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Hypothetical will execution

  • 11-01-2009 6:59pm
    Registered Users Posts: 6,344 ✭✭✭

    Thankfully I'm not in this position, just generally curious.

    Say someone leaves 3 survivors, all named as executors of his will, and all get along fine. The will is straightforward - just split everything 3 ways. Can the executors just wander in to Dublin Castle (is it still Dublin Castle?) with all the paperwork, or would a solicitor need to be involved?

    Different situation - person with no dependants dies. They've made a will which essentially matches the rules for division of property on intestacy - parents first, siblings if parents are dead, etc. Did they need to make a will at all? Does it speed things up if they have made a will, or would things happen at the same speed if they were intestate? Is it enough for them to make a will saying (essentially) "parents, then siblings", and get a few witnesses, or is that an over simplification? Can you add things to a will like "Friends x, y and z get first dibs on the CD collection, and anything left over goes to parents"?
