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Chicken Vet in Kildare or Leinster area

  • 29-12-2008 10:13pm
    Registered Users Posts: 15


    I have chickens and find it hard to get a vet that specialises in poutlry or in fact has had any dealings with poultry. When I went to get vacinations for some chicks I hatched via the incubator (eggs got on e-bay) the percription he gave me (€48) was going to cost €500+ vat as it is supposed to do 1000 chicks, I only had 8 so I was disapointed and surprised that I could not get vacinations in a smaller dose. In England you can buy it from your vet for small amounts but not here so I am told. I have about 50 chickens in all, all differnt types and I would love to be able to be sure that I had done my very best by them... I don't want to have to give them pig medications which i have been advised to do:( I don't think that is the best course.. Any advice???

    Sinead (the maid)
