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Make sure your pets are safe this holiday

  • 28-12-2008 11:36pm
    Registered Users Posts: 2,753 ✭✭✭

    Hi All,

    It seems, in wicklow at least, that pets being stolen from people's gardens while they are out over the festive season is on the rise.

    My friend had her purebred stolen on Christmas, but it and a few others were dumped outside a house. The house they were dumped outside took them to the guards who were able to reunite them with their owners, however, more are still missing. I think fourtunately for my friend her's is quite an active puppy, and probably caused too much trouble or noise.

    In my friend's case, she has a very secure back garden, which would have taken someone quite a bit of effort to get into. It seems that they are willing to go to quite an effort to get to purebred dogs, or at least it's what the guards are saying.

    Please, ensure that you're pets are secure as possible this holiday! Microchip your animals also, as if they are stolen you'll have a better chance of being reunited with them. If you think your pet may have been stolen, report it to the guards, local vets, and post flyers in the area. Chances are, as my friend found, she wasn't alone. Best wishes over the holiday season!
