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Weird Word Problem

  • 18-11-2008 4:11pm
    Registered Users Posts: 5,561 ✭✭✭

    I've got a 90 page Word doc. In the header and footer toolbar I click autotext and click page X of Y.

    This, as planned, inserts page numbers into the document. What it should say, this being a 90 page document, is page '1 of 90', 'page 2 of 90' etc.

    But instead it says page '1 of 88', 'page 2 of 88'. No matter how many times I delete and retry it.

    And what about page 89 and page 90? Well, they're 'page 89 of 88' and 'page 90 of 88'!!!

    Any suggestions?

