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Noisy construction - do residents have any rights?

  • 30-10-2008 10:18pm
    Registered Users Posts: 170 ✭✭


    wasnt too sure where this thread fits in...but anyway, im just wondering do residents have any rights when a business right next door is conducting construction. Theres been work going on in the yard of a business, my apartment overlooks this yard.
    Its been going on for months, and i can understand that there would be noise in the daytime ...but its after 9pm and there still doing god knows what out there, and its making a hell of a lot of noise. Its not the 1st time its gone on past 9 (although most days they finish at around 6:30). There all the dust too...since it started im constantly sneezing etc..luckily now its freezing i dont feel the need to open my windows so much.:cool:

    but i just think it would have been decent of them to inform residents of what was happening, before they started. And esp if they know they are going to be doing this so late, shouldnt they give a warning? Are they allowed to be doing it this late?

    Im not going to shout down to them, cos i dont want to be told where to go to be honest...and i dont think theyd even hear me with the noise:(
