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Changing startup sound on Vista

  • 21-10-2008 10:00pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,183 ✭✭✭

    Is it possible to do this? I looked everywhere on how to do this.

    I tried using this idea i got from the net
    Instead, follow these steps:

    1) For best results, boot out of Vista and into an alternative OS, such as XP. (This is assuming you dual boot.)

    2) Locate the file "imageres.dll" in Vista's System32 folder. For instance, E:\Windows\System32\imageres.dll. Copy that file into a different location, i.e. your desktop.

    3) Download ResHacker.

    4) Open ResHacker. Open the imageres.dll file in ResHacker.

    5) Find the folder that reads "WAVE" and expand everything below that. This is what it should look like:

    6) Right click 1033 (this could have a different name depending on your locale), and click Replace Resource. Click "Open file with new resource", and find the wave file you want to replace it with. Once you're done, in Resource Type, type "WAVE", in Resource Name type "5051", and under Resource Language type "1033" (or whatever number you have). Once done, click Replace.

    7) Click File, then click Save. Now you can copy this file to Vista's System32 folder. Keep the imageres_original.dll file ResHack left behind in case you want to revert back to the original sound.
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    Now I tried this, replacing the imageres.dll file with a modded one but, Windows wont let me do copy, paste or delete anything in the system32 folder. I am the admin of the computer as well.

    Any ideas?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,126 ✭✭✭✭calex71

    locate cmd.exe right click run as admin and copy the file to where it needs to go from the command line.

    Edit: just noticed its a dll file your dealing with so you will need to manually register it when you copy it over from the run command

    I have never tried to change the start up sound myself so cant say if what you are doing will work or not

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,931 ✭✭✭Ginger

    You will need to do a takeown of the the file and a cacls on the file to give yourself permission to do so

    takeown /f X:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\

    Needs to be ran from an admin command console

    So before opening cmd.exe right click and run as administrator
