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Help me PLEASE!!!???

  • 18-10-2008 1:47am
    Registered Users Posts: 890 ✭✭✭

    Please help me technical people. I'm trying to book flights tonight and cannot get passed a few pages on ryanairs website. Each time I go in to book the flights a pop-up box comes up apologising that this webpage needs to be closed and asking if I do or do not want to send an error report to microsoft. When I click yes/no all internet explorer windows/tabs I had opened shut down. I've tried over and over again. I even restarted my computer. Initially I thought it was a prob with my internet connection but I can use boards for ages with no problems, it seems to be only on the Ryanair site it happens? For a long time now we've been getting an error message on start-up saying somethig about phpnotify.exe not working but I've ignored it each time. Does this have anything to do with it??

    Any ideas what I can do?

