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From FAS To The US?

  • 21-09-2008 10:14pm
    Posts: 14,344 ✭✭✭✭

    (Very likely that i'm posting in the wrong section. If so, mods, feel free to move it to the right place :) )

    I've heard that if you're unemployed for x amount of time, you can apply to do something with FAS. Essentially they send you to the US/Canada and set up a job for you for X amount of time...?

    Sadly.. thats all i know. And i heard it a while back.

    A cousin of mine was on the dole for 8 months before and he ended up in Canada (not sure what he was doing over there exactly, i think it was something to do with trucks, or driving them or something along those lines, as i way it was a while ago i heard it, as in years ago).

    I was wondering if such a thing still exists? And if so, how you go about doing it?

    I've been on the dole for well over a year and had no luck getting a job. I'd like to get out of here.
