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Zilch response

  • 17-09-2008 8:34pm
    Registered Users Posts: 32

    ok am gonna give this another shot, Im sec sch teacher, I teach art, sphe, tefl, Im finding it almost impossbile to get work. Now I know! youve heard it all before, but, this is very very discouraging seeing as I went back to do my Hdip put in a alot of blood sweat n tears to find myself constantly broke and looking for work. I did have a 6 month stint with the VEC, has anyone else worked for them?? I worked really hard with really tough kids and was treated really badly and bascially head office advertised my post and my job went from under my feet, thats jus cutting a very long story short.

    SO!! here's my question? what are those of you doing that cant get work? are you planning on career change? OR here's my other question Ive asked many people this but I havent got answer.... Has anyone worked as qualified teacher abroad? as in England, Canada /US, can anyone tell me how difficult it is and if its worth it. every time Ive looked into it Ive hit a brick wall.

    So thanks guys for reading this post and sincerely hope someone has some advice or experiences here!!!!

    Cheers :)
