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Live demos

  • 13-09-2008 9:17pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,475 ✭✭✭

    I never use Xbox live (not in a position to, unfortunately), so hopefully someone can help me out with a question my sister had. Her 12 year old son has his 360 and a wireless connection, so she's wondering how much of an eye she has to keep on him to stop him downloading demos of, for example, GTA (a game he's dying to play) and other age-inappropriate titles. Is there anything she can do, a kid filter or are 15+ game demos not even available on Live? What do others do?


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 11,985 ✭✭✭✭zAbbo

    Everything here should help -

    Access can be restricted to stop downloading content which has is unsuitable - i.e stop him downloading certed demo's

    (PS - There is no GTA demo)

  • Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 11,017 Mod ✭✭✭✭yoyo

    I think the xbox has parential controls, check the settings menu, I persume that would block in-appropriate titles being downloaded, see HERE


  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    How to Set Parental Locks on an Xbox 360:

    Turn on the Xbox 360 console and controller, without a game in the game tray. This will take you to the Xbox 360 dashboard.

    Use the analog stick on the controller to scroll right to the “System” menu. Scroll all the way right with the analog stick until you reach the “System” tab.

    Scroll to “Family Settings”. Use your analog stick to scroll down to the “Family Settings” tab and then click the “A” button.

    Select “Console Controls” to add parental locks. Use the analog stick and scroll down to “Console Controls” and click the “A” button.

    Determine the desired rating control settings and confirm. Under the “Console Controls” menu select “Game Ratings” and push the “A” button. Under the ratings submenu select the highest level of rating that the console will allow to be played; all games are rated for the Xbox 360, and all of the rating levels are explained under this screen.
