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setting up your own art/ craft group

  • 01-09-2008 7:51am
    Registered Users Posts: 4,381 ✭✭✭

    hey everyone, I know there was a thread while back where people were trying to set up interest groups for things like knitting etc....well I thought a good way of setting one up is to do something similar to what I did on .. (we have 24 members now and 40 on the mailing list, and we are only a few months old)

    Its really easy to set a blog up and you can invite your friends etc to join. If you want I can create a sticky for people who has set such a website up/ or already have a group set up and want more members..this was everything won't be concentrated around Dublin, and people can go directly to the website/ contact the creator by private message. ALSO NO FOR PROFIT groups...
