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It officilal ESB will make a neclear power station in IRELAND in

  • 26-08-2008 11:47pm
    Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 1,380 ✭✭✭

    It official ESB will make a nuclear power station in IRELAND in 2030

    Or at least that is what the head of ESB says will happen on RTE yesterday in the news program

    So now which county wants that station

    I think Co. Leitrim should have it

    If there is a nuclear accident well we only lose that county with a bit of luck

    Who needs Leitrim any way its only old crappy bog anyway

    If the bang is a bit bigger well we might lose Sligo Galway and maybe west Meath

    Well look on the bright side no more crappy B/B holidays on crappy Galway
    pity about losing the good fishing in Athlone

    Well there would be a good house building boom rehousing the refugees from those counties

    If the bang is bigger and we lose all the Island well we can all catch a Ryan air flight one way to Europe or somehwere else that might take pity on us and take us

    Don't forget to say to the last one leaving the Island of Ireland
    switch off the lights will you
    We don't want to get a big ESB bill when we come back in a million years time" DO we "

    That's when we shall return to reclaim Ireland and all the radiation is finally gone after a million years as that's how long it takes to clear up the nuclear radiation

    What's that you say build it it Dublin

    Not in my back yard dip sticks

    You have been warned this is all part of the softly softly introduce you to the nice touchy feely ideas of how cosy nuclear power stations are

    And then when you lose your Island tough shiiite

    Write to your local dip stick politician and tell them save Ireland no nuclear power stations to be based here or you wont vote for them

    The French can afford to lose 10% of France from a big bang event
    But can Ireland afford to lose 100% of the Island

    And tell the head of ESB if he ever utters the dirty word nuclear even has wet dreams about nuclear power in Ireland he will get the chop from the job

    HMMMM maybe I should visit this Leitrim place before it becomes a wasteland

    Is it true its all bog land I never been there so it I figure its expendable

    But seems the head of the ESB thinks the island of Ireland is expendable



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,407 ✭✭✭gerky

    Are you drunk or just trolling?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,790 ✭✭✭SeanW

    gerky wrote: »
    Are you drunk or just trolling?
    I'd give even odds on both.

    I didn't watch the News recently and there's no mention of this on the RTE News website, so I will have to work from the presumption that what the OP wrote is true, which I would be skeptical of since any director or senior manager of the ESB would know better than to scare people in Ireland by mentioning the N-word.

    It is clear that the OP knows nothing about nuclear electricity, and even less about Co. Leitrim, I would wager. She/he seems obsessed with what they see as the probability that such a plant would just uncerimoniously go BOOM and take out the whole country with radiocontamination.

    Derry, I'll let you in on a little secret: Nuclear plants don't work like that. The only time in history that a nuclear accident has occured in the manner you describe was the Chernobyl Disaster. That is the only time any amount of land has been lost to radiocontaminaton due to a nuclear accident, and if you would take some time to research the accident, you will clearly see that it could not have happened outisde the Former Soviet Union. i.e. the whole Commie regime was a disaster, and their corrupt, bungling, astounding mismanagement of everything extended to their nuclear programme. Hence, under Soviet rule and a variety of other factors only present in the Soviet Union, that catastrophe was going to happen sooner or later. To help you along, I've included a couple of links.
    This link contains a video to a BBC documentary that explains in a bite-sized, nitty gritty timeline leading up to the accident.

    As for whether or not Ireland should go nuclear (having established that your original points about losing counties, or islands, are not salient (to put it mildly) the question is, if not nuclear, then what? Renewables like wind are not reliable as they depend on well, the blowing of the wind, and twice in 4 years we've seen massive landslides in areas where extensive works in connection with windfarm construction were carried out in unstable, water logged peat lands.

    That leaves only traditional thermal fired power systems, Peat, Coal and Natural Gas (Oil fired power is no longer viable, generally speaking).
    The carbon cost of any of these options is staggering, with coal being the worst not only for carbon dioxide emissions, but also acid rain forming compounds, arsenic, mercury and radiotoxin emissions. The Earth Policy Institute attempted to quantify the massive health damage done to citizens of the United States in 2004.
    Next natural gas. While it's a lot cleaner than coal, having only 1/3 the CO2 emissions and some radiotoxins, gas presents Ireland with severe energy security problems. Our natural gas fields are running out, and in the future, the gas plant we have will depend on a 2000 mile long pipeline from Russia. For obvious reasons, that should not be regarded as a desirable scenario, but that's where we're heading.
    Peat fired power is the filthiest in terms of CO2 emissions, tears up pristine boglands for fuel, and worst of all is not financially viable without a PSO levy on your ESB bill.

    The only way to avoid or reduce these problems is to go Nuclear.

    As to where the ESB can place the nuclear plant they allegedly want to build, speaking for myself, they would be perfectly welcome to building here in Co. Longford. Not only would I be happy to have it as my near-neighbor, knowing that's doing a good thing for all the people of Ireland, but it would create a shedload of jobs too. And, since the government would have to "sell" the proposal to local people, we'd probably get hospitals and motorways and everything.
    Not in my back yard dip sticks
    I think you've just revealed more about yourself that you would like to have with this statement.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 1,380 ✭✭✭derry

    Leitrim possibly displaced and Longford catching up as Nuke lovers
    and wanting a nuke station in their back yard

    I think I been in Longford on the way to Sligo not sure

    I suppose if Longford really wants the nuke station then why not
    I think its far enough away from Dublin to improve the odds in Dublin's favour if there is Chernobyl Disaster sized event

    As for the the news program it was standard economic talk on the radio about ESB and its long term economic strategy

    Nuclear was mentioned as well its enviable that Ireland will go nuclear

    BUT ( to clam the fears I suppose they qualify its time arrival) it would be 2030 ( but if enough idiots go brain dead in Ireland it will be a lot sooner and there are brown envelope the size of jumbo jets waiting to help the process along and ensure nuclear lovers get to be the chief of the ESB or similar)

    Well hells bells here we are looking nuclear power in Ireland in the eyes and all these planet global warmers saying we need nuclear power in Ireland

    Yippeee Its like Turkeys voting for Christmas

    Well when the global warming MYTH which the nuclear industry started with lots of help from that bitch THACHER a deep dyed in the wool nuclear power lover

    She single handed yanked those dead beat global warmers from academic obscurity where they belonged and displaced the global ice agers another bunch of wasters who ran the universities so as to push Nuclear as the worlds only hope and help her shares in nuclear power make more profits

    Science has proven it brown nose policy pays well very very well and you even get to play with nuclear power stations

    Well when you lose Ireland in a big bang from the nuclear power station you can piss off to England and reminisce with that Thatcher Bitch about the global warming Ireland gave everything to save the planet including the whole Island means we are such good guys
    oh how about the UK pays for the clean up bill for cleaning up Ireland

    Now of course we can be sure of the British response sure don't we house you give you social welfare what more could you possibly want
    Sure who needed Ireland anyway it was at best full of rubbish at every lay-by and at worst was always a pain in the neck to the brits

    Really for the Brits who needs that crappy island anyway

    So now we find nuclear accidents are only a possibility if your red communist
    I love the way history gets re written

    well how about three mile Island in the USA

    How about the big fire in UK in ~ 1958 which released lots of nuclear crap in that era directly on top of the brits
    shows you how much they care for there own folk

    I love the way history gets re written

    read the reports on those events and it was within a whisker that they would make as big an impact if not greater than Chernobyl Disaster and we got lucky some brave people thought latterly after all safety systems failed and stopped a complete disaster happening

    Anyway the USA could afford to lose of the 50 states and the UK can afford to lose 1/4 of the UK

    Longfordis catching up fast as the place to put the nuclear power station and will it overtake Leitrim

    Me I am in Dublin and can only influence the local dip stick politicians so for me it

    not in my back yard

    I suppose we can afford to lose Leitrim or Longford they are expendable for the greater good

    Seeing as the powers to be have decided that nuclear will come to Ireland then it which part of Ireland is the place that is most expendable to put this beast into

    But us Dubs were are way to good to be lost to mad science projects like having a nuke station on our door step

    Anyway I don't drink or smoke but if they ever build a nuke station in Ireland the fist thing I will do is start drinking and smoking so as to speed up my exit from the planet so as not to see what its like to evacuate a whole crappy Island of its population and disperse them world wide

    If I had to leave I would opt to got to Iceland where they had the brains to keep there fish stocks for them and invest in geothermal power

    Oh yeah Belfast has and the north of Ireland have lots of geo power fivety feet down enough to power the whole north of Ireland but they want the North to build a nuke power station there
    Thatcher Bitch still rules the roost
    Go figure

    Oh if Longford nuclear power station does go bang there will be along line of folk who will tie you to tree and kick SEANW ass before they evacuate Longford or Ireland for being so touchy feely pro nuclear power

    You never told us the risks is total loss of the county or Ireland for a million years you SOB

    I ant so sure a lot of Longford people would vote for nuclear if we presented them the true facts

    If Chernobyl Disaster event happened to the nuclear plant based in Longford you would only lose a measily 50% of Longford for a mere million years in which time no person could ever live in that region for million years

    The near buy regions would be prone to birth defects and cancer rates to beat the band so property prices will be a tad soft in Offaly and more high in Wexford or Cork

    The least contaminated regions would probably be down wind if the wind from the west when the event happened like Donegal or Limerick and best to feeck off to Wexford who had the brains in the 1970 era to say

    not in my back yard

    and wake the rest of Ireland up to the then threat existed to build one in Ireland in that time

    I can see lots of the fine people of Longford voting for the nuclear power station when they know the risks are so little like this

    Ah sure if it did go bang the half the county Longford was no feecking use anyway

    Me I have no time for this global warming from humans crap that comes from pro Thatcher universities and spread like a plague to the IPCC

    I have not time for the oil industry who want to turn Ireland into a pipe line either receiver or exporter but dependent on them to keep us in slavery to them

    So I vote for self sustainable solutions purely to ensure we can ensure that we keep the Ireland we want with sufficient power to the economic activity Also the solution which has the least risks to be controlled by some oil baron gas barons or nuclear power lobby interests is sustainable solutions and if it keeps the green brigade happy and gives real long term jobs then it is win win to avoid nuclear power and oil and gas exploration both which have huge Proven pollution issues

    But the blinded buy the science shiite Nuke lpower station lover dont want to tell you nuclear powers dirty secret

    It can in a big bang or fire event contamanate a large region anything from major city sized to Republic of Ireland sized event maybe even bigger where that region will be uninhabitable for several hundred thousand years if not a million years

    The same mad scientist will tell you a telephone number makey up number of how low that risk is
    Guess what those crappy odds still makes some people win the really big lotto like 100 million euros
    So does Longford want to play that odds

    We wait and shall see are they all nuke station lovers in Longford

    If they are Co. Leitrim can rest a bit more easy and hope the wind always blows west

  • Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators, Regional South East Moderators Posts: 28,475 Mod ✭✭✭✭Cabaal

    lovely spelling in the title, good luck with the being drunk/trolling

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 1,380 ✭✭✭derry

    I bang it up and then later correct the speeling
    obviosly a few speeling nazis out there
    when all else fails attack the speeliggggg


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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,348 ✭✭✭✭ednwireland

    i continue in the correct vein
    dont need a nuclear power station in leitrim sure they only have a light in the kithcen and a sacred heart lamp to run

    (oops forgot about the 50inch widescreen)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,790 ✭✭✭SeanW

    Well, at 9:14 in the morning, the OP cannot realistically be drunk. At 11:47 the previous night maybe, but if the OP is still drunk, he or she has bigger problems than the fact that he/she knowsn nothing whatsoever about nuclear energy. That only leaves trolling. Which, likewise is the only explanation for his insults against Co.s Leitrim and Galway.

    For the last time, Derry, nuclear energy doesn't work like that. The kind of devastation that you're labouring under the illusion would be inevitable, has only occurred once in human history - under the rule of a government and nuclear system so breathtakingly incompetent and corrupt with such a complete disregard for safety as to leave an observer astounded. Also, the lands contaminated by the worst fallouts of radiation will be uninhabitable for 600 years, not millions of years as you have asserted.

    Research that accident (assuming you're genuinely interested in this and not just trolling) and see for yourself how no logical link can be drawn between that and a hypothetical Irish nuclear system in the 21st century.
    when all else fails attack the speeliggggg
    You're "speeliggggg" is awful but I'm guessing that's the least of your problems.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 88,978 ✭✭✭✭mike65

    Will a mod please put this thread out of my misery? :)


  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 1,380 ✭✭✭derry

    Lets see now

    If the original poster isn't drunk isn't trolling isn't a nuclear expert then what'sthe new game in town

    First off I ant drunk ant trolling and am not a nuclear expert

    However I have studied many facts about nuclear power over many years and 600 years is the half life of some isotopes and 1,000,000 years is the half life of other isotopes so what its a long time not to be able to live in your county or country

    tell that to the Chernobyl Disaster victims

    You may in the year 2590 all piss of back to your miserable part of the planet what's the name of that sticks ville place oh yeah Chernobyl been a while since anybody lived there

    Really its splitting hairs and boring details stuff I will be probably dead before 2030 at my age before I see this nuclear nightmare but i will do my best to fight one ever coming to South Ireland

    I will also do my best to help any anti nuclear movement to never let Nuclear arrive to the North of Ireland but that's more difficult as it the bloody UK which is chock a block full of that shiiite and they want to export the station anywhere else

    In fact on nuclear station Built in France only has a electrical connection direct to the UK built and payed for with UK funds
    They just rent that part of fFance to keep the station there

    They stiffed the French and got them to run the risk to keep it in France so if it goes bang France gets it in the neck

    When it comes to de-commision watch the Brits wiggle out of that enormous cost

    It been my experience with dealing in Ireland how things get done the SLEVIN way and it starts with FF and builders a who want big brown envelopes

    the UK with wads of Brown envelopes wants to exprt a Nuclear power plant to here

    The mission if you decide to accept it is to con the dip sticks in Ireland to embarce Nuclear power in lovy dovy touchy feely way

    The prize a big brown envelope and lots of contracts

    So method one give them only two choices
    The end is nigh with fossil fuels so save yourselfs embrace nuclear power or you will surely die

    Dont allow other choices like renewables or other better ideas and rubbish them

    Dont allow them to show that Nuclear can have an accident
    unfortunaly 911 proves all sorts of possibilties exist

    then gradualy replace all high up people with pro nuclear in major companies
    then gradualy strt a drum beat clamour OH the industy need power the universities need high teck toys the government needs more energy options whatever and sneak in Nuclear power on the sly past the dip sticks

    The facts are that even without a accident we have no place to store the waste

    The waste sitting in tanks can also pose risks if badly maintained as money runs out to to look after it or terrorists bomb it

    These risks all combined with things like unforseen events means that we can never ever say say a nuclear power station cannot go bang or go on fire whatever

    What we do know is if there is a problem it will be bad very very very bad

    So if it is going to be built I hope it goes to as far away from Dublin as possible preferably on Rockall 100 miles out in the Atlantic but failing that Longford will probably have to do

    And when push comes to shove if there ever is a time when there is a energy problems shortage in EU and UK and Ireland has a nuclear power plant we will get to all the power exported to the UK the people who will really own the plant

    So we wont even get energy independence from owning this nightmare machine

    Then when it comes to de-commisioning it we will get the bill and de-commisioning costs are expected to be 1000 times more than the original construction costs and there wont be any income from electrical power to pay for it

    And worst if it goes bang we cant live in some parts of Ireland for donkeys years maybe even all of Irealnd

    SEANW might want to impose these risks on Ireland but I certianly don't and even if the risk is only 0.0000000001% its still to risky for lots of Irish I suspect

    If they keep the sacred heart shinning in Leitrim then the risk is higher that Longford will get this beast on their back yard
    if eneough shinning hearts are running we might keep the nuclear power beast out of Ireland

    So the I know all about nuclear power crap on mean I will have to fire back so much nuclear facts from fast breeders to molten Sulfer whatever so its not a question of I know nothing but what makes SEANW such an expert to want to have that power in based Ireland

    The reality is if you think its so safe go to Chernobyl and live there and leave the people of Longford a chance to decide not to vote yes to a Nuke plant in their back yard


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,947 ✭✭✭10-10-20

    Subtitles are on page 888.

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  • Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 28,795 Mod ✭✭✭✭oscarBravo

    mike65 wrote: »
    Will a mod please put this thread out of my misery? :)

    Your wish is my command.

This discussion has been closed.