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how do i link my paypal to my ebay account?

  • 05-08-2008 4:47pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 500 ✭✭✭

    how do i link my paypal to my ebay account.
    i went to buy something today and got this masg saying ...

    You are unable to bid on or buy this item because:

    You either don't have a PayPal account or your PayPal account is not linked to your eBay account. We encourage you to register with PayPal - it is the fast, easy and safe way to pay. Register with PayPal | Already have a PayPal account?

    so off I went,tried to link my 2 accounts and got the following msg

    You have successfully linked your eBay and PayPal accounts. It may take a few minutes for the linking to take effect.

    ive waited for ages..repeatedly went through the same process and still cant bid on the item,...
    has any one else being through this/got advice?!


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,152 ✭✭✭Passenger

    Aye, it may take a while. If after a few days and you still cannot purcahse contact ebay. :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 500 ✭✭✭slickmcvic

    ahhh bollocks!!!!
    ...was hoping to get an item endin tiomorrow....will i be notified when linked?

    thanks for reply !

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 500 ✭✭✭slickmcvic

    Just to update yis i got round the problem through the seller ading me to his favourite sellers list ....but if you wish to updata yir account do the following

    A> To link your PayPal account to your eBay account from eBay site: 1. Go to and click the "My eBay" tab at the top of the page. You may be asked to sign in.
    2. Under the "My Account" heading, click the "Addresses" link.
    3. Click the "View all shipping addresses" link.
    4. Make sure you've linked your address book to your PayPal account. If you see the "Add PayPal Addresses" button, your address is not linked.
    5. Click the "Add PayPal Addresses" button. Note--Once you go to the Addresses section, and selects to Link the PayPal account, you will then be directed to PayPal to sign in. Then it will say congratulations you havelinked the account. If you just close this window, it doesn't link the accounts, you must select the yellow button that says to return to eBay. This will then finish the process and link the accounts.

    B> Linking your PayPal account to your eBay account from the PayPal site:
    1. Log into your PayPal account
    2. Click on the link/tab for 'Profile' under 'My Account'
    3. Once you are on the profile summary page, please click on the linkfor "Auctions" under the column heading 'Selling Preferences'
    4. This will take you to the 'Auction Accounts' page - if you have anyeBay accounts linked, you will see them here

    5. If your eBay account is not already linked OR if you want to link anew account, please click on the 'Add' button and follow the rest of thesteps ** Notes:
    1. Linking your eBay account to PayPal in this manner will let youcustomize the End of Auction email that eBay sends your winning buyerwhen your listing closes successfully. This will also automatically addPayPal as a payment method in your eBay listings.
    2. You can only link one PayPal account to your eBay account's shippingaddresses page. However, if you have more than one eBay account, you canlink the same PayPal account to each of your eBay accounts.

    hope this helps someone!
