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America Visa for family (dad studying)

  • 29-07-2008 2:25pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 3,489 ✭✭✭


    Hopefully someone can help out here if not maybe a mod can put it in the right place.

    Friend of mine is considering (very strongly) undergoing pilot training in the USA, there's no problem there, it costs $70,000 for the year & they organise the visa.

    The question he needs answered is what would be his options with the family, he has a wife & two kids, boy aged four & girl aged seven.

    Obviously (& I'm not endorsing anything illegal) they would be able to come and go for 2.5/3 months at a time, but would the kids (specifically the girl) be able to be enrolled in school while there ?

    They're planning on renting out their house here, not selling, so would still have ties to the country. In addition, they are in a position to be able to support themselves for the year (they sold another property they had & now have in excess of €150k in the bank).

    My friend thinks they would get by on $120,000 for the year (including his fees).

    Could they all go for the year or would they have to come & go (as previously stated) ? Would €32,000 ($50,000) be enough for the year do you think ?


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,921 ✭✭✭silja

    They can't neccessarily go back and forth every 2.5 months onder the Visa Waiver Program, as the immigration officer at the airport may turn them back for overusing the VWP if they are in the US more than they are out, or even just take many trips (I almost got turned back once because it was my 5th trip of the year, although each trip only lasted a week).

    There are family visas (if he goes over on a J1 study visa, it would be a J2). However, I believe under these visas the wife couldn't work.
