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Vista driver signing (disable)

  • 28-07-2008 12:14pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 703 ✭✭✭

    I just finished installing my new pc, and one of the things i did was naturally install updated drivers for everything. except it turns out gigabyte didnt sign their raid driver - so i get vista moaning about not being able to start unless i disabled the driver signing.

    this would ordinarily be ok, but the machine im using happens to be on 24/7 and should it have a problem i want it to immediately restart - so this is a bit of a problem, as it requires user input.

    is there a way to disable vista requiring signed drivers? i'm using vista ultimate 64bit


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 493 ✭✭Voodoo2

    You will need to do this every time you install a driver..

    Log on as the Administrator and do the following:-


    Now in the Command Prompt window type in the following command:-

    Bcdedit.exe /set nointegritychecks ON

    Reboot and install the unsigned driver without any hiccup.

    If you want to turn on driver signing check then use the following command.

    Bcdedit.exe /set nointegritychecks Off

    Restart the system.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 18,484 ✭✭✭✭Stephen

    You could possibly get around this by digitally signing the driver yourself also.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Voodoo2 wrote: »
    You will need to do this every time you install a driver..

    Log on as the Administrator and do the following:-


    Now in the Command Prompt window type in the following command:-

    Bcdedit.exe /set nointegritychecks ON

    Reboot and install the unsigned driver without any hiccup.

    If you want to turn on driver signing check then use the following command.

    Bcdedit.exe /set nointegritychecks Off

    Restart the system.

    This was removed in a hotfix and isn't supported at all in SP1.

    There's two ways to do it but both have drawbacks:

    1 - Sign it yourself using a test certificate
    The problem here is that you get a Test Mode banner on your desktop similar to the one you see in Safe Mode.

    2 - Use ReadyDriver Plus
    This installs a keyboard hook into the bootloader that automatically presses F8 and disables the signature enforcement. Very crude and rudimentary but it works. The drawback being that it stalls startup for about 5 seconds while it does its thing.
