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Humax & Diseq switching

  • 16-07-2008 2:48pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,297 ✭✭✭

    Any of you who have bought the Humax Foxsat STB recently may have realised it's not so easy to activate the diseq switching and tune into a few different satellites.

    I managed to sort this out after several days of effort, in case anyone is interested.
    Essentially there's a hidden advanced menu (not mentioned in the user manual) that you can only access as below:

    Multi-Satellite Setup - DiSEqC Switches, Motorised systems
    To access the Advanced Menu (hidden) for multi satellite:
    - Go to Menu> SETUP press ok.
    - Press RED, GREEN, YELLOW, BLUE; GREEN, YELLOW, BLUE sequentially and slowly.
    - 2 options appear:
    Antenna Setting
    Manual Tune
    - In Antenna Setting select your Antenna Type (Fixed, SCD, Motor*, SMATV)
    - Setup as required and then use Manual Tune to search for the channels on each satellite separately and save.

    When you use the Humax then on non Freesat mode you will automatically have access to all the satellites you tune in via your diseq


  • Moderators, Regional North West Moderators Posts: 19,171 Mod ✭✭✭✭byte

    Thanks for that, good to know.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 Roinn

    Reyman wrote: »
    Any of you who have bought the Humax Foxsat STB recently may have realised it's not so easy to activate the diseq switching and tune into a few different satellites.

    I managed to sort this out after several days of effort, in case anyone is interested.
    Essentially there's a hidden advanced menu (not mentioned in the user manual) that you can only access as below:

    Multi-Satellite Setup - DiSEqC Switches, Motorised systems
    To access the Advanced Menu (hidden) for multi satellite:
    - Go to Menu> SETUP press ok.
    - Press RED, GREEN, YELLOW, BLUE; GREEN, YELLOW, BLUE sequentially and slowly.
    - 2 options appear:
    Antenna Setting
    Manual Tune
    - In Antenna Setting select your Antenna Type (Fixed, SCD, Motor*, SMATV)
    - Setup as required and then use Manual Tune to search for the channels on each satellite separately and save.

    When you use the Humax then on non Freesat mode you will automatically have access to all the satellites you tune in via your diseq
    Thank you,
    It's probably the same with the 'Humax Foxsat HD Freesat Set Top Box'

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,245 ✭✭✭Fat_Fingers

    Thanks , very good info!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,297 ✭✭✭Reyman

    My pleasure, thanks!

    It took me quite a while to put together that fix so I wanted to write it down before I forgot it !

  • Moderators, Regional North West Moderators Posts: 19,171 Mod ✭✭✭✭byte

    Reyman wrote: »
    My pleasure, thanks!

    It took me quite a while to put together that fix so I wanted to write it down before I forgot it !
    I've copied your post onto the FAQ Sticky thread also for convenience.

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