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Cod 4 Problem

  • 12-07-2008 3:04am
    Registered Users Posts: 2,013 ✭✭✭

    Hello Folks
    Having a huge problem with Cod at the moment. During games its stopping the games and a box pops up -free content not available.-

    Anyone know what this means? It can happen at any time on any map in any match. I have all the Maps.

    This is very annoying cos i lose all the points that ive built up. It doesnt log me out of the PSN just back to the main Cod4 page

    Any ideas.?

    Ps. this is when im playing online, and doesnt happen all the time.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,856 ✭✭✭Clover

    i have gotten that error a fair few times on my PS3 thats hooked up to NTL / UPC , i even uninstalled COD4 and the new maps and reinstalled COD4 without the new maps and i still get the error from time to time.

    now i never got the error prior to the time of the new maps and the update but then again i have a PS3 hooked up to a BT connection and that is the one i play COD4 on the most and it has the new maps and the update and does not get that error.

    so it's maybe NTL/UPC or the PS3 that is the problem , but this is the only game i have any trouble with :confused: and my PS3's both have Nat 2 .

    i'm planning on a day of COD4 today anyway so i think i'll swap the PS3's over and test it on the NTL/UPC with the PS3 that i play COD4 on the most.

    Edit: changed over PS3's and had the PS3 hooked up directly to the cable modem ( not going through the router ) and i got the error about 6 times today ; .

    when i changed over to a BT connection i never got the error.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 217 ✭✭baz909

    you need to open up the ports on your router
    to stop these error messages

    if you go onto the
    website you should get them off that
    and this will reduce and hopefully eliminate this message

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,856 ✭✭✭Clover

    baz909 wrote: »
    you need to open up the ports on your router
    to stop these error messages

    that does not solve the problem unfortunately :( .

    i have opened the same ports as i have open on my BT connection and it still happens . even going straight from the cable modem into the PS3 does not solve the problem.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 217 ✭✭baz909

    have you got a list of the error messages

    what router have you got ? .. Netgear?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,856 ✭✭✭Clover

    baz909 wrote: »
    have you got a list of the error messages

    what router have you got ? .. Netgear?

    it's the netgear one alright but even with the PS3 connected to the cable modem direct ( no router ) the error still happens.

    here is the error i get :


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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,013 ✭✭✭yayamark

    This is actually getting worse, i changed the PS3 from wireless to wired yesterday to rule out my wireless router but this has not helped at all.

    As i said before this doesnt happen all the time but it happens too much.

    I could be in the middle of an online game and next thing bang all of a sudden this box flashes up -- Cannot get free content index--- and it exits to the main screen.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,013 ✭✭✭yayamark

    ok this was getting too much so i deleted the maps from my PS3 and thankfully the problem has stopped.

    Bit of a pain as i paid a tenner for 4 extra maps that dont wok properly.

    I googled it and accross numerous forums the same problem crops up but with no soloution.

    I went on the to Infinity Ward forums and the same problem is there. People have written to Developers there but have not been answered.

    Makes me wonder if i'll but a game from them again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 169 ✭✭087dannyboy

    did u try downloading the maps again to see if it still happens. i think you can download them up to 5 times.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,013 ✭✭✭yayamark

    no havent done might do it tomorrow but from what ive seen accross the forums it doesnt fix the problem.
