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Bad pci-e slot cause boot problems???

  • 08-07-2008 2:08am
    Registered Users Posts: 344 ✭✭

    Strange boot issues that i've been trying to fix for ages.

    ive noticed that my laptop isnt very compatible with acpi at the moment and is having lots of boot issues. so i took off windows and threw on linux. now, the wireless card was having some very strange problems with connecting to networks and whatnot, so i fiddled with it and it worked ok for a while, but, when connected via wireless to the net the machine would get very unstable, and sometimes turn to command screen from os. disabling what i was doing like.

    i didnt enable acpi when i installed linux, but then enabled it later on as the wireless card wouldnt work without it.

    i swapped cards as it refuses to connect to my home network now. it pretends to connect, but it wont realy.., the one i have in now isnt fully installed as i have to go mess with drivers for it. before i do that i was just wondering if anybody has ever had any problems with a dodgy pci-e slot?
