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Appearance of HM stats

  • 28-06-2008 1:48pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 685 ✭✭✭

    Hey I downloaded HM a good while ago but couldnt get my head around it so I havent bothered with it since. But I've promised myself that today I would at least try to understand it and attempt to set it up as everytime I play online, I tilt myself cos I have HM on my laptop but yet dunno how to use it.

    I'm going to tackle the issues I have one by one.

    The first one: I dont like the way the stats overlap the alias name and their stacks.. Can someone tell me how to make it look more "neater"???

    TY in advance



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,277 ✭✭✭✭Rb

    To move the stats around, you have to right click on them and drag to where you want them.

    To change the stats setup, go to "Options -> HUD Options -> Player Preferences" and you can remove/add whatever you want there. You'll have to define the colour schemes yourself though.

    I think DVDfan did a good post on this a while ago, I'll have a look and link it if I find it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 685 ✭✭✭Get In There

    Rb wrote: »
    To move the stats around, you have to right click on them and drag to where you want them.

    Worked a trick. Thanks man!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,953 ✭✭✭dvdfan

    You can also remove the abbreviations to save some space by Going to Options > Hud Options > Player Preferences and un-tick Show Abbreviations.

    Also in the same section if you look at the "Display these stats" section. If you click on the "New Line" Button it will create a new line and any other stats below that will be displayed on a new line. For example if you wanted 3 rows of stats with 4 stats in each row you would have it something like this:

    Abb. Name
    ---New Line----
    ---New Line----
    ---New Line----

    This would be displayed on your hud as:

    Stat 1 | Stat 2 | Stat 3 | Stat 4 |
    Stat 5 | Stat 6 | Stat 7 | Stat 8 |
    Stat 9 | Sta 10 | Sta 11 | Sta 12 |

    Give me a shout if youve any other questions
