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  • 17-06-2008 6:50pm
    Registered Users Posts: 4,072 ✭✭✭

    This is a great U-Boat Site !

    You can enter in the number of any known U-boat in the search box, and it will tell you it's fate.
    If you use the site in conjunction with Google Earth it can be really interesting. Many of the captured U-boats were scuttled off Northern Ireland at the end of WW2 (Operation Deadlight). You can search this very well on Google Earth if you go out to sea, North West, off Donegal, to these co-ordinates, 55°37'30.08"N 9°54'20.73"W.

    Then scroll west of that, and the numbers of a few other U-Boat wrecks turn up. You'll have to zoom right in on Google Earth to an Eye Altitude of 260 miles, or lower, before they show up as little dots. Then just enter the U-Boat numbers that come up, into the search box on the U-Boat site.
    You'll then be presented with a list of matches, so just click on the number of the exact boat you want, and Bingo! they should tally up.
    You can get all the info about how it was sunk, and how many hands survived or were lost.

    You'll find loads of these little dots all over the North Atlantic, off the American East Coast, the odd one in the Indian Ocean and South Atlantic too. A particularlly spooky one I found is U-666, listed as missing in the North Atlantic here 51°36'28.17"N 35°15'56.56"W on 10 Feb, 1944.
    There is no explanation for its loss. 51 dead (all hands lost).

    Have Fun :)
