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Can Anyone Recommend a Music Teacher in/around Drogheda?

  • 16-06-2008 7:36pm
    Registered Users Posts: 86 ✭✭


    I'm looking for a piano teacher and violin teacher in or around Drogheda. (Has to either walking distance from town or on a bus route since i can't drive.) I'm trying to get into to music college but have been without a teacher for the best part of a year (basically because my last teacher was a bully), and i've been doing things all on my lonesome since :(

    I'm grade 7 piano level and I'd be starting from the beginning from violin since I've not played since i was 12. The violin teacher would probably end up getting my 8 year old brother as well as he desperately wants to learn.

    I'd also appreciate it if someone could give me pointers on where to get help with leaving cert music?...

    Much thanks in advance!
