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Sore/stiff feeling when I open my mouth

  • 27-05-2008 8:16pm
    Registered Users Posts: 887 ✭✭✭

    OK it is nearly two weeks since I was at the dentist to have a temp dressing on a root canal. The tooth is lower front and is feeling very good. I got a needle in that area which after wearing of was fine. However, my dentist gave me a needle into the area of lower cheekbone - that general area and since it wore of it is quite "achy" and when I open my mouth to eat it is bothersome for a few minutes - best compared to a sore back when one is sitting down for a long time - and once I chew it is more or less exercised and fine. Then after a while of mouth closed and I start the food thingy, same ache again.

    I am very much aware of it and it is not getting worse and only slightly better. I mentioned it to the dentist and he said that it was "needle induced injury" so is that another way of saying he toched a nerve?

    Just wondering if any of the experts out there could tell me is this a slow healing proccess and am I looking at a few weeks or what? I have another appointment in two weeks but I don't want another needle in that area. Did the dentist hit a nerve? and does this all take time? Just wondering.

    Sorry for being long winded but describing pain/ache in the mouth is very difficult to put in words.

    I would be glad to hear of similar experiences but more especially someone who has maybe had the same type of complaint and how long did it take to heal? I have no problem sleeping as it does not keep me awake.



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,124 ✭✭✭BryanL

    "needle induced injury" so is that another way of saying he toched a nerve?

    well the thing is when giving Dental blocks( some dental injections) you are actually aiming for the nerve,ideally very close but not touching. When a nerve is touched it usually give a sharp electric shock type of sensation, a nerve induced injury normally causes a temporary feeling of "pins and needles in the area" which can last for days-weeks.
    2 further possibilities
    muscular cramp, from keeping your mouth open for so long, which can be eased by NSAID's and heat applied to the area,avoiding opening very wide and/or chewing gum.
    Clenching, could be that your making any cramp or pain worse by clenching your teeth, this can sometimes happen after dental treatment, or while you sleep. It may just be coincedental with the treatment and injection you had.
    Pain from clenching is usually worse first thing in the morning.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,637 ✭✭✭kev_s88

    i always get that after getting any sort of dental injections.

    as far as i know its completely normal and probably takes longer to wear off in different all depends where the needle went into the gum and how close it was to the nerve.

    longest it took to wear off on me was 10 days.give it another week and if its still bothersome then id say let your dentist know about it.hopefully though it should have worn off by then

  • Registered Users Posts: 887 ✭✭✭suitseir

    Thanks for the replies.

    BRYAN - actually it is quite ok in the morning - a bit sore when I go to brush the teeth and have the brekkie. Of course, I do a lot of talking, at work mind you, part of the job, so I really find that if I rest it its OK. Someone mentioned to me since these posts that they had a similar experience and it took them 3 weeks to get back to "normal".

    I would probably need to take something other than Nurofen, something that would relax the muscles as I feel it is quite "tense" there.

    KEV - I feel it will subside. And I have great pain threshold but anything to do with the mouth is SO THERE. Sorry for moaning on.
    Thanks again

  • Registered Users Posts: 887 ✭✭✭suitseir

    Much improved but I took some ibuprofen to ease it and that stuff also helps with any inflamation, or so I am told. I guess by the end of the week it will have gone considerably. So all in all, it took nearly 3 weeks and I have a further appointment on 16th. June although I will ask the Dentist not to inject the needle in that area. Presuming he can find another spot to freeze the upper part of the mouth??? The lower part where the troublesome tooth is gave no after effects.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,124 ✭✭✭BryanL

    Good to hear:)

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