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Root canal + local anaesthetic

  • 22-05-2008 2:49pm
    Registered Users Posts: 887 ✭✭✭

    A week ago I had the first stage of a root canal(lower front tooth). I got a needle in this area but also the dentist gave me a needle in the upper region - best described as under the cheekbone to the ear. After a couple of hours all wore of, as is usual and the tooth area is perfect, as is the tooth, but the area under my cheekbone is, not in pain, but there is some discomfort, tantamount to a bruising feeling. I am taking ibubrofen and while it is subsiding, I am just wondering is this normal or is it just that it is a more tender area and will heal in another wee while! No problem with sleeping, just more THERE- no sign of infection in my mouth or anything like that - more a stiff feeling.

    Any suggestions?
