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Most Annoying Site Ever Created. Aaaaagh!

  • 24-04-2008 3:13pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 864 ✭✭✭

    I dont know where else to post this.
    I was looking at the public jobs website and am fit to explode at how crap and annoying it is.
    Every time I click a button a warning comes up "this page conatins both secure and non secure items. Do you want to display the non secure items?"


    Then as soon as I manage to get where I want it automatically logs me out. AAAGH ......... and could they possibly make the site harder to navigate. All I want to do is set up an email notification for job opportunities with the National Parks and Wildlife Service and I am soo bloody frustrated now I cant see straight............. breathe......

    Can I stop that god foresaken warning popping up every time a new page is opened or refreshed? Its driving me MENTAL.:confused:


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 17,727 ✭✭✭✭Sherifu

    If you are using Internet Explorer and wish to turn off this warning, please follow the instructions below:

    1. Open Internet Explorer and click Tools and then Internet Options.
    2. Click the Security tab.
    3. Click the Internet icon and then click the Custom Level button.
    4. Scroll down to the miscellaneous section and then find display mixed content.
    5. Click the disable button to prevent this message from appearing again. Alternatively you can select enable to prevent the advertisements from being displayed. However, you will still see a white box with "Navigation Cancelled" written in it.
