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Need your help, few questions on Taxation

  • 16-04-2008 4:47pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 1

    Hi all, Im writing my diploma atm, where I am comparing taxation of Ireland to taxation in Latvia.
    Well theory is easy, revenue have great web-site, Latvia... well easy enough aswell.
    But for practical part ofy paper I need to complete survey, with following questions:
    This for all:
    1) Are you satisfied with taxation in Ireland?
    2) Do you have experience of paying taxes in another country?
    - (if Yes) Comparing to yor experience, Irish Taxes are more friendly ?
    3) Are you satisfied with outcome of your paid taxes in Ireland ( Social security and etc)
    4) Can you describe tax credit policy in Ireland as friendly?
    - In what fields, you believe, Tax credit must be reviewed?

    And few more who is familiar with business in Ireland:

    1) Is the Tax Credit given to newly opened busines, reasonable in Ireland?
    2) What Tax for Business company you believe is too high and must be
    3) Is it easy to communicate with Tax Office/Revenue in Ireland and to
    follow changes in taxation when they take place?
    4) Do you wish for any changes in coopertion with Tax Office/Revenue? ( If
    yes) What changes you believe will improve cooperation between business
    companys and Revenue office?!
    5) Are you satisfied with Irish Taxation law?

    Will apretiate all the answers, thank you in advance
