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Starting an apprenticeship of sorts.

  • 15-04-2008 11:34am
    Registered Users Posts: 644 ✭✭✭

    I’m hopefully going to be starting a tattoo artist apprenticeship soon (not sure if I’ll get the job but just planning ahead if I do).

    Anyway, pay will be absolute crap for the first while. A good bit less than the dole I think.
    I’m just wondering what, if any, financial assistance I might be able to received from the social welfare? I’m 22 and don’t live with my parent’s either.

    I’ve started a temp financial job about a month ago (it’s a four month contract) and up until this I was on the dole for about 6 months. Never had so much trouble getting a job in my life but luckily enough I’ve gotten one thank God. I just have a feeling that the social welfare won’t look too kindly on a guy who has only just signed off the dole and who now is planning to leave a job which he’s only been in a month.

    Do I have any options?
