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PP ranges

  • 10-04-2008 11:46am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 204 ✭✭

    Hi Guys ,
    I have been checking out the aspects of practical shooting in Ireland for the last few months, And while saddened to see that the DOJ is reviewing the situation with movement with loaded firearms and the arguments that have gone on here regarding organizations that pertain to support shooting as a sport.
    I have still retained an interest in this section of shooting.
    While I probably will defer investing any serious cash on equipment till after the DOJ review I would certainly like to get a feel for the sport.

    As such can anyone tell me if there are ranges in the following locations .
    LIMERICK - CLARE - CORK , I’m based outside limerick but I’m ok with travelling an hour or so .

    If there are ranges would anyone have contact details .

    Also as I’m not going to rushing out to purchase a pistol I would have to rent /hire one for the day , what is the procedure with doing this is it ok or not .

    Thanks for the help



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,641 ✭✭✭Bananaman


    Have you prior experience of pistol shooting? Are you a member of club?

    Practical Shooting is a very advanced form of pistol shooting which requires a large degree of both classroom and "dry" training prior to your being allowed to bring a firearm onto a range.

    You do not start with Practical Pistol but advance to it from other forms of pistol shooting. You must learn and show yourself to be proficient in safety and handling in a static range first - then you can begin the training to partake in Practical Pistol.

    I only ask as you are asking if there are any ranges in your area and do not currently own a pistol so that would lead me to believe that you are not an experienced pistol shooter.

    In terms of walking onto a range where you are not a member, hiring a pistol and heading out to the practical range without having completed the training - never going to happen.

    Hope it helps,


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 204 ✭✭Darr

    Hey B'Man ,
    No I didn’t expect to turn up and use the range in a practical pistol format , but did wonder if these clubs offer training to that level ( hence why I was looking for details of the ranges to ask these questions ) .

    I would be experienced in handling firearms ( pistol/Rifle ) but in straight ranges in the states.

    I would have expected to start on small bore target pistol (.22 ?) and work my way up .. also No I’m not a member of a club or range hence why I’m looking for detail of them :) .

    I’m aware as with everything firearm related that A) you never run before you walk and B) safety safety safety , so I’m simply after information on how to approach getting in to practical pistol .
    But I did wonder if it would need to be an IPSA range in the first place .

    E.g. from start to finish with PP been the goal .

    Thanks for the info I do appreciate it .


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,641 ✭✭✭Bananaman


    IPSA do not have a range, they are not a gun club - they are the Irish IPSC representative body.

    If you wish to seriously do Practical Pistol I would recommend the following course of action (this is what I had to do)

    [1] Join a Pistol Club (there should be a sticky on this board here somewhere on where they all are).

    Some ranges have an authorisation for club guns (Pistols). Some do not.
    Club authorisations are currently under review so this may or may not be a facility available to you. Ask before you join.

    Personally I think it is necessary in order for people to be able to learn safety, handling and care prior to applying for their own license but I have no say in any of that.

    If the long term goal is practical then ask the club if they do practical. At the moment I do not believe that any clubs advertise the fact that they do. Once the current round of authorisations are complete this may become clearer.

    If you need a recommendation you can contact IPSA -

    [2] Learn how to shoot again - you will need to prove yourself to the other club members as being proficient before they will accept that you are. Until then you will be a novice. Having shot in the U.S. doesn't carry any weight with it.

    You will most likely be started out on .22 and when you can shoot fairly well with that maybe move on to some higher calibres. 9mm is the minimum calibre allowed in Practical Pistol so you will need to progress to at least that before you can start to look at Practical Pistol. Be under no illusions that you can quickly move from one to the other. There is a world of difference.

    There are very high accuracy requirements in the IPSA training (80% in the highest scoring area of target - many people score in the 90% range) so you will need to be a very good shot with your chosen firearm before attempting IPSA training.

    [3] Get a Firearms License and a Firearm
    To join IPSA and attend their training you must be in possession of a license for the firearm you intend to use.

    [4] Get the rest of the "Rig"
    You need eye protection, ear protection, belt, holster, magazine pouches, etc.

    [5] Apply to Join IPSA

    [6] Apply for a competition license course.
    Depending on the club you join and the number of members that currently partake in practical pistol you may get some prep training in the club ahead of attending the competition license course. Again this will depend on the club.

    [7] Enter your first Practical Pistol Competition.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 204 ✭✭Darr

    Hi B'man ,
    Thank you that is the type of clear and concise answer I was looking for . Already in the checking out ranges/Clubs in this area over the next few weeks .

    So I would hope that at least step 1 and 2 from your above list shall have some movement quite soon .

    yes I had heard that PP requires a certain mindset on the range and that the training is difficult but that it leads to muscle memory and drilled responses. Which for safety reasons is a good thing.

    I’m glad to hear that PP has such a high standard in both proficiency and training and its one of the reasons why it attracts me ( e.g. if it’s worth doing it worth doing right )

    never know maybe one day we shall see if I’m up to the challenge , I really do hope that practical pistol is placed back on a solid footing after the DOJ review .

    If anyone else has any other information please do let me know how you got started .

    Thanks again .
