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Qualified adult?

  • 28-03-2008 7:41pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 121 ✭✭

    I am currently claiming one parent family payment. Myself and my child are going to move in with my partner who is currently claiming jobseekers allowance as he is between jobs. Just wondering would i qualify as a qualified adult on his pyment or could i apply for a different payment? Any advice would be greatly appreciated :)


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 65 ✭✭johnmahon010186

    Lurvely wrote: »
    I am currently claiming one parent family payment. Myself and my child are going to move in with my partner who is currently claiming jobseekers allowance as he is between jobs. Just wondering would i qualify as a qualified adult on his pyment or could i apply for a different payment? Any advice would be greatly appreciated :)

    You and your kid can both go onto his jobseekers allowance but you'll have to give up your one parent family payment if you move in with him
