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Message in the Waves - No More Plastic Bags

  • 07-03-2008 4:20pm
    Posts: 0

    Unsure if I should put this here or the Film forum.
    "Hawai‘i -Message in the Waves" is a film from the BBC Natural History Unit looking at some of the environmental challenges facing the people and wildlife of the Hawaiian Islands.

    Although the documentary is from a Hawaiian perspective it is really a global film. Because of their size, location and social history, the Hawaiian Islands represent a microcosm of the planet and are in a unique position to tell all of us where we are going wrong and what we can do to help put things right.

    Website here, also features a trailer.

    Has anyone ever seen this documentary before? I remember seeing it ages ago and only thought of it recently. It's a beautifully made documentary with amazing visuals of the Hawaiian islands. Well worth a watch. It also offers us a valuable glance at the effect our throw-away society has on the world.


  • Registered Users Posts: 28,568 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    They "are in a unique position to tell all of us where we are going wrong." There seems to be a lot of people in such unique positions of late.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)
