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How To Set Up a WiFi Network For Your iPhone

  • 20-02-2008 8:47pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 97 ✭✭

    Sorry if this has been covered already.
    I was helping another user to set up a wireless network on his laptop so as he could jailbreak & unlock his new iPhone, as I did. So I decided to post the info here for others to use....

    Many people out there don't realise that you can quite easily set up a WiFi network on your laptop with just about any kind of internet connect.
    I'm using an O2 wireless broadband.

    Make sure you have your O2 broadband connected to your laptop (or any internet connection) & check that you can surf the web.

    Theres an excellent vid of how to set up your WiFi network here:

    When you're setting up your wireless network make sure its an ad-hoc connection, do not use data encryption & set "Network Authentication" to open. (You can add a password later for security, but for now,until you get it working, leave it open).

    When you connect to your wireless network on the iPhone, click the little blue arrow and look at your WiFi settings.

    Under IP Address make sure its set to DHCP and that you have values beside
    • IP address
    • Subnet Mask
    • Router
    • DNS
    It might take a minute or two for these to show up after you connect to your wireless network. Try clicking the "Renew Lease" button on your iPhone also.

    If you are not getting some or all of the values then you may not be sharing your internet connection over the WiFi.

    Go to "My Network Places" on your laptop, then "View Network Connections".

    You should see your O2 Broaband connection ("HUAWEI3G.O2 IE Open Internet" is what it reads on my laptop) here and beside it under "Status" it should read "Connected, Shared".

    If not then right click on the O2 broadband, select "Properties" then "Advanced" then make sure the "Allow other network users to connect through this computers internet connection" has a check mark beside it.


    Make sure your Firewall is disabled. Windows enables it own Firewall by default. Go to Control Panel -> Windows Security & turn it off.

    I hope after all this you get it working!


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 673 ✭✭✭GekkePrutser

    You really shouldn't be using an open accesspoint anymore in these days :)

    Seriously, O2 broadband has a very low usage limit, you don't want one of the neighbours' kids using bittorrent on it and using up your monthly limit in a couple of hours :)

    I think advising people to use no encryption is really a bad idea. You should really use WPA or better.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 97 ✭✭Bruce Fan

    (You can add a password later for security, but for now,until you get it working, leave it open).
    If you'd read the post properly you'd realise that I specified to disable encryption, initially, until you get up and running i.e. a few minutes. Just to rule out the possibility of any problems.

    And I don't think many people will be leaving there wireless broadband plugged into their laptops...and leaving the laptop on....nearly long enough for a neighbor to download over bit-torrent. Or anything else.... ;)

    On top of this, the strength on the broadcast WiFi signal from most laptops is pretty weak anyway.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 878 ✭✭✭Kurn

    after some tinkering about this worked for me, I would so be careful if changing settings on the network connections - I somehow did and had to reinstall the o2 driver and stuff. I found once I turned off the windows firewall (I still have another one) it worked like a charm, pitty we did not know about this before me and my partner bought 2 o2 modems

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 878 ✭✭✭Kurn

    Opps - sorry for double post - but thanks to Bruce for the info
