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Excel Spreadsheet

  • 25-01-2008 12:18pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,197 ✭✭✭

    I am creating a spreadsheet for Customer Returns. How do I format a date cell to change colour, when the date in the cell is older than 30 days old?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,207 ✭✭✭meditraitor
    Have a look at this and change to suit, hope it helps(this one is for changes in % (but date should be possible)
    Select the cells you wish to have formatted this way. Then with the cells selected go to the Excel menu and select "Format" then "Conditional Formatting..."

    Now you will see drop down boxes to select. The first one on the Left should read "Cell Value Is", then the next one to the Right should read "Between" then the next open box to the Right type in a 0 then in the next box to the Right type in .10 now click the "Format..." button and select the "Pattern" tab and then select the "Green" color and then click "OK" now click the "Add>>" button.

    Now we will repeat the same process for the next color. You will see drop down boxes to select. The first one on the Left should read "Cell Value Is", then the next one to the Right should read "Between" then the next open box to the Right type in .10 then in the next box to the Right type in .109 now click the "Format..." button and select the "Pattern" tab and then select the "Yellow" color and then click "OK"

    Now we will repeat a similar process for the final color, but pay attention to the slight change. You will see drop down boxes to select. The first one on the Left should read "Cell Value Is" then next one to the Right should read

    "Greater Than"

    then the next open box to the Right type in .109 now click the "Format..." button and select the "Pattern" tab and then select the "Red" color and then click "OK" Now click "OK" again.

    Now select a cell you formatted this way and type in percentage numbers from 0 to 10% and 10.1% to 10.9% and greater than 10.9% and you will see the colors change from Green to Yellow to Red.

    I have made an example workbook of this process that you can download or view online at.

    Press the F9 key to see the numbers and colors change.

