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k800i - DIY light source / torch

  • 12-01-2008 12:39am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 76 ✭✭

    If like me you miss the feature of having some sort of light source or torch on your phone (and dont mind losing the internet button for launching the net as i already have opera mini) here is a work around for the k800i.
    Even if you dont have opera going into MENU and selecting your net provider will get you mobile net anyway (i think).

    Take a photo of anything with the camera and edit it in photodj and increase brightness to its maximum so that its just bright white.

    Move the photo to the picture folder on the phone memory and make sure it is in portrait format, this can be changed in photodj if it is in landscape mode.

    Then go to:
    internet settings\
    internet profiles\
    change homepage\

    Make note of the original settings (in case you need to go back to the way it was) and enter the following instead

    file:///usb/picture/light2.jpg -my image is called light2.jpg, enter whatever your image is called here.

    if your image is on the removable card change "usb" for "card".

    Now every time you press the internet button on your phone your screen goes bright white and should stay like that for a good few seconds. If it goes dark again just press any key and if you want to get rid of it just press the OK key.

    I know there is a java app for doing something similar but I think this might be handier.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,308 ✭✭✭✭Bard

    Is there not a way of turning on the camera's flash as a light on a K800i or is that just on the new models (like the K770i) which have a "light" as opposed to a "flash"?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,440 ✭✭✭billbond4

    Theres no way to turn on the flash (besides taking a photo)

    There is a java app that you can get off the web that will make the red eye reduction light come on,so you will have a 'Red torch'

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 76 ✭✭Lossy

    Bard wrote: »
    Is there not a way of turning on the camera's flash as a light on a K800i or is that just on the new models (like the K770i) which have a "light" as opposed to a "flash"?

    The K800i has a proper flash and not a lamp for assisting photos. My W810i had one of those lamps, not good for assisting photos but great as a little torch.

    Flashes dont work that way. You can only get a high intensity burst from a flash otherwise leaving it on would cause it to overheat and probably melt.
