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problem with pahud trial version

  • 11-12-2007 1:00am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,005 ✭✭✭

    cant get my own stats to come up on PPP 6max table.Every thing else fine. Any help appreciated.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 40,214 ✭✭✭✭Mellor

    ok, your own stats don't show up in the seat you sit at, they show up in a dif location, same on every table.
    Its better like that, but I don't know why they are always off by default.

    To turn them on:
    1. Click preferences, layout manager
    2. Select the site and tables you play on, eg. ipoker 6-max
    3. On any seat click a stat, eg. seat 10 VP$IP
    4. To the left above the table layout, where the drop-down of all the stats is, there is a check box that says "show mine"
    5. Your VP$IP show up in the centre of the table as [VP ME], or [AF ME] for agression etc
    6. Move this stat to the location you want your stats to appear on all tables
    7. Repeat for all stats you want to display, save and close

    I don't have PA HUD here right now (work computer) so the above is from memory, but it should be spot on or very close. The process is separate for 6-max and 10 seat, probably different sites too.
