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  • 14-11-2007 8:47am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 828 ✭✭✭

    Just wondering is there a quick way of adding your signature (watermark) to photographs on flickr?:rolleyes:


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,110 ✭✭✭Thirdfox

    Create an action in photoshop (or if you don't have photoshop maybe the GIMP also does actions?) But this would require you to add the watermark before uploading to web.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 13,272 ✭✭✭✭Paulw

    I made a brush in photoshop with my signature, which I can add to photos. Simple but effective.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,110 ✭✭✭Thirdfox

    Cool - how did you do that? (If it's not too complicated to write out) - actions are really convenient too.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 828 ✭✭✭dingdong1234567

    The brush idea, thats handy actually. The auld actions can be tricky (for me)! I'd be interested in finding out how you done that PaulW.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 13,272 ✭✭✭✭Paulw

    I don't have the details to hand, but I'll dig them out this evening, and post.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,110 ✭✭✭Thirdfox

    Thanks Paul.

    Here's a tutorial for watermark actions:
    Applicable versions:
    Photoshop CS (v8) and Photoshop v7

    Prep work:
    I used transparent watermark for protecting IP rights yet showing off pictures. I would try to make all images looked consistent when viewed as a collection-the size, effect, position etc. For this reason, I will resize all images to a certain size (see Using Photoshop Actions and batch command to resize images . Then group landscape and portrait photos in two source folder (i.e. source_landscape, source_portrait) 2) create two actions: e.g. ‘watermark Landscape’ ‘watermark portrait’.
    Create an ‘output’ folder as well.

    Task 1: Create an custom shape, which will be used as watermark later.
    At this stage there is no need to tweak the shape yet for special effect yet, just create a new document with plain text/logo. For example a square logo can be of Width: 3 inches x Height: 3 inches, Resolution: 300 pixels per inch (ppi) and the Colour Mode: Greyscale, Contents: White, Type the text with desired font and size it to fill all canvas.
    (important) Go to the 'Layer' menu, highlight 'Type' and select 'Create Work Path'. This action converts the text to an outline vector path. To add the shape the library, choose 'Define Custom Shape' from the "Edit' menu and name the item 'watermark'. Click 'OK'.

    Task 2: Create Watermark
    1) Open a test image, ideally this should be in similar size to those will be in batch process later, pick an image that it is not too dark around watermark application area. Also consider an watermark for lanscape and portrait images each. Here I will only give lanscape images as example.
    2) In the 'Preferences', check that the 'Units and Rulers' are set to 'Inches'. 'Units' set to 'Pixels' or 'Percent' create a watermark that changes size based on the files resolution and will prove unreliable.
    3) Add a new layer(shift+ctrl+n), nae it 'watermark'.
    3) From Toolbox, select 'Custom Shape Tool' (U), found under the 'Rectangle Tool'. Select 'watermark' shape from the listed icons.
    4) Hold 'shift' key and draw watermark on new layer to fill the entire width.
    5) (Layer menu) Rasterize->shape
    6) (Filter menu) Stylize->Emboss, angle 135
    7) (Layer menu), 'Layer Style' ->'Blending Options'. Set the layer blending mode to "Hard Light" to let the image show through
    8) Sets up the file and its attributes. (File menu)->File Info (Alt+Ctrl+i). Key in the information you want attached to the file.
    copyright info: Some rights reserve. Attribution-NoDerivs 2.0 UK: England & Wales You are free: to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work to make commercial use of the work(
    9) Flatten the file.
    Watermark is done.

    Task 3: Record Task 2 as a custom action

    Close all working files. Now we ready to create an watermark action. Most of the steps in this task is repeat from task 2.

    1) Open an new image to be worked on.
    2) Create a new action. Click the “create new action” icon in the Actions panel.
    3) Name this Action “watermark lanscape image”. As soon as you create a new Action, your
    action starts recording.
    4) Repeat task 2 all steps
    5) stop recording
    5) Save image use 'save as' from File menu. Remember(very important): DO NOT rename the file; and save it to the target output folder that batch process is output to. (the reason for this two points are explained here: Using Photoshop Actions and batch command to resize images)
    5) Stop recording.
    6) Close working image,
    7) Open the original image. Test& re-recording “watermark lanscape image” action to satifaction.

    Task 4: Batch process all images
    1) In Photoshop, go to FILE --> AUTOMATE --> BATCH.
    In the Play section pull down "Action" and select "watermark lanscape image" action you created earlier.
    3) The “Source” Section. Since we did not create an “Open” Command in our Action, we need to make sure the “Override Action “Open” Commands” is NOT checked. The “Suppress file Open Options Dialog” should be checked. And the “Suppress Color Profile Warnings” should be checked.
    4) Click the “Choose” button and select the folder "source_landscape" you created in prep-work.
    5) The “Destination” Section. The “Destination” should be set to “Folder”. Click on the “Choose” button and select the folder you created called “output”. Make sure the “Override Action “Save As” command” is checked. Otherwise batch will create two identical files for each image – one named after original name (this is what action records in ‘save for web’) and the other name after the following pattern.
    6) In the “File Naming” Section. I prefer to prefix original image file name with something like ‘forWeb_’ just to differential it from original file. To do this Set the first box to ‘forWeb_’ second box to “Document Name” and the third box to “Extension”.
    7) uncheck 'Override Action "Save as" commands'
    8) Now, to process your images, just click “Ok”.
    And that’s it. (repeat this for protrait images)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 13,272 ✭✭✭✭Paulw

    Just found the details. I have it in a video tutorial (15mb file).

    Sign your name on paper. Use a black pen. Make sure you have plenty of light when you photograph it.

    Bring it in to Photoshop.

    Crop down to the writing.

    Ctrl-L (Levels) - Adjust settings to make the image more B&W. Bringing the sliders towards the centre (where the peaks are).

    Resize - image size to about width 1200.

    To create the brush - Edit - Define Brush. Give it a name (eg signature).

    It will now be listed as the very last brush in the brush list.

    Resize it as needed when you go to write in your image using the [ ] keys. You can also make your brush any colour you want when you use it.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,110 ✭✭✭Thirdfox

    Thanks - so how do you make the (I guess white) background transparent for use on an image? Or is that done automatically when you convert to a brush? Or do you mean to use the magic wand (or something similar to select only the writing?)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 828 ✭✭✭dingdong1234567

    Thanks PaulW & Thirdfox!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 13,272 ✭✭✭✭Paulw

    To be honest, I'm not sure.

    I don't have Photoshop here (in work) so I can't try it out. I'm not sure at home if I deleted the background (to give a transparent area) or if it just does it automatically.

    Try and see, is all I can say for now.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,763 ✭✭✭Fenster

    All those steps seem...elaborate. I whipped up a perfectly good action to watermark and embed my contact and copyright info in my photos in less than half those steps.

    Unfortunately the action is on my laptop or I'd post it. :[

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,110 ✭✭✭Thirdfox

    My personal action is just 3 actions long...don't know how to get it onto the forum though.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 828 ✭✭✭dingdong1234567

    Paulw wrote: »
    Just found the details. I have it in a video tutorial (15mb file).

    Sign your name on paper. Use a black pen. Make sure you have plenty of light when you photograph it.

    Bring it in to Photoshop.

    Crop down to the writing.

    Ctrl-L (Levels) - Adjust settings to make the image more B&W. Bringing the sliders towards the centre (where the peaks are).

    Resize - image size to about width 1200.

    To create the brush - Edit - Define Brush. Give it a name (eg signature).

    It will now be listed as the very last brush in the brush list.

    Resize it as needed when you go to write in your image using the [ ] keys. You can also make your brush any colour you want when you use it.


    I done the above (minus the signature and photographing it bit). Just used font in photoshop and brought it in as a brush and hey presto....signatures all over the place!!!;)
