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How to copy from USB stick to PS3

  • 04-11-2007 5:56pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 5

    I just got an updated option file for PES 2008 on a USB memory stick. I was told that i can copy it on to the PS3's hard drive but i'm having trouble doing it.

    Does anyone know how to do it correctly? all suggestions are welcome.



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 661 ✭✭✭CountryWise

    your PS3 should automatically recognise the USB stick, to view its contents hit triangle instead of X and then hit triange again on Option file(s) and select'l need to do that for each jersey

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 47,686 ✭✭✭✭Mitch Connor

    On the USB stick, create a folder at root level called PS3. In that folder create another folder called SAVEDATA

    Put the files from the option file for PES2008 in there.

    Plug it into your PS3, go to save data utility, and copy the PES files from you USB drive on to the PS3 harddrive.

    Load up PES2008, go to system settings in the game (i think) and load edit data. done.
