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Where will we be in 5 years time?

  • 18-10-2007 4:38pm
    Registered Users Posts: 172 ✭✭

    Just an interesting thought - Where will our home entertainment system be in 2012. With advances from CRTs to LCD/Plasma and Video to DVD in the last number of years will all TVs sold in 5 years time be High Def Plasmas or will it ever become as mainstream as CRTs were.

    Will high defination players replace DVDs or will there always be a market for DVDs and with talk of analogue signal being shut of in 2009/2011 will digital tv be of any significant difference

    I know that you can install a central media hub in your house now with all music, lighting and picture signals running throught it but will that be a common feature in our average house in 5 years?

    Maybe people have a different view of what our home entertainment system will be. Will we have 3D picture or more exciting developments
    or will it be a gradual faze into high def TV

    Just a thought i had and any feedback welcome

    PS. Be interesting to pull up the thread in 5 years time


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,174 ✭✭✭mathias

    With advances from CRTs to LCD/Plasma and Video to DVD in the last number of years will all TVs sold in 5 years time be High Def Plasmas or will it ever become as mainstream as CRTs were.

    Its pretty much there already , CRT's are thin on the ground these days , its all some flavour of flat screen , as regards to where it will be in 5 years time , there are alternative options to plasma and lcd that may well make a splash , it depends on what they look like.
    CRT's will be history within two years , never mind 5 , with the price of flatscreens now being half what they were last year I would say in 5 years time everyone will have a HD screen and they will be as cheap as a CRT is now.

    DVD players , now theres a tough one , If HD players are to make a mark the ridiculous format war will have to stop , it may be moot anyway with dual players coming on the market from LG and Pioneer , As regards to them killing off DVD , sales would say that people seem happy enough with DVD , both bluray and HDDVD sales combined have barely 1% of DVD sales. That will have to improve or DVD will still be the top seller in 5 years time.
    If HD players and discs become as cheap as DVD players then they'll do well , people will take better quality for the same price , until then DVD is good enough it seems.

    Smart wiring and wireless systems will definitely become the norm , a lot of new housing estates here have it as standard , I would bet on wireless tech replacing most wiring though , so the home network may well not be needed , just a lot of wireless compatible devices.

    I cannot imagine 3D ever taking off , its been tried since the 50's and was never successful , it never got beyond the gimmick stage , there may well be techniques for showing more depth on plasmas , but 3D as most people understand it now has so far been a flop.

    My take on 5 years time is mostly based on the net and how we will access it , physical media will probably be on its way to being a thing of the past , and all your entertainment will be in Data form with you having many many devices that can access it no matter where in the world you are , convenience and ease of access will determine what you buy and where you can enjoy it.
    High speed broadband will deliver entertainment to you to all your devices from either your own or public servers.

    Thats my two cents anyway , it certainly will be interesting to see where we are in 5 years time with things moving so fast.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 36 Pocky

    Wireless can not replace wires for the simple fact that there is a limited bandwith only. So if you have an estate with 50 houses chances are that at least 10 - 20 % are using the same frequency slowing the system down. You can not control radiation (distance) n a wirelesss bit you can control your own cables.

    If more and more is going wireless it is like the M50 with the exeption that there is no way to widen to bandwith because ALL equipment will be in the public range that it is currently using

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,332 ✭✭✭311

    I'd like to think that other things will change to suit the technologies that are coming about now.

    If the likes of blu-ray ,which holds up to 50GB becomes even cheaper. Whats stopping people inventing ideas to bring that to it's full potential.

    Maybe simultaneously have different camera angles running at the same time on different screens ,during a movie. like a surround effect:D
    Maybe a moving projector could display images at various stages ,adding to the main screen.
