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How to delete everything?

  • 19-09-2007 8:14am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 6,478 ✭✭✭

    Hey, I'm not too great with computers and yesterday I got a vrius (from Msn messenger of all ****ing places) and when I try to log in it blocks me with some blue screen . I have a dell and I know you can delete everything before you access windows so I was wondering how. Also, was wondering if there's anything else I can do to make my PC usable and not lose my Football manager game :rolleyes:


  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 18,853 Mod ✭✭✭✭Kimbot

    When you boot up the PC and the Windows Logo/Loading bar appears hold "F8" and you will enter Safe mode, then you can run a virus scan. I advise you to get AVG Free and use that as your antivirus!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,970 ✭✭✭ActorSeeksJob

    CLICK HERE to download the HijackThis Installer:
    1. Save HJTInstall.exe to your desktop.
    2. Double-click on HJTInstall.exe to run the program.
    3. By default it will install to C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\HijackThis.
    4. Accept the license agreement by clicking the "I Accept" button.
    5. Click on the "Do a system scan and save a log file" button. It will scan and then ask you to save the log.
    6. Click "Save log" to save the log file and then the log will open in Notepad.
    7. Click on "Edit -> Select All" then click on "Edit -> Copy" to copy the entire contents of the log.
    8. Come back here to this thread and paste the log in your next reply.
    9. Do NOT have HijackThis fix anything yet! Most of what it finds will be harmless or even required.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,287 ✭✭✭joe_chicken

    CLICK HERE to download the HijackThis Installer:
    1. Save HJTInstall.exe to your desktop.
    2. Double-click on HJTInstall.exe to run the program.
    3. By default it will install to C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\HijackThis.
    4. Accept the license agreement by clicking the "I Accept" button.
    5. Click on the "Do a system scan and save a log file" button. It will scan and then ask you to save the log.
    6. Click "Save log" to save the log file and then the log will open in Notepad.
    7. Click on "Edit -> Select All" then click on "Edit -> Copy" to copy the entire contents of the log.
    8. Come back here to this thread and paste the log in your next reply.
    9. Do NOT have HijackThis fix anything yet! Most of what it finds will be harmless or even required.

    He said he can't login to the computer, so I don't think Hijackthis will work.

    /EDIT Try jonny24ie's suggestion first, and attempt Safe Mode, then you could try HijackThis, failing that:

    Best thing to do is get exactly the symptoms you see, and either post them up here or google them.

    If you wanna wipe it clean though, try find the Windows XP CD and go look up how to reinstall windows (Check you have the drivers for all your hardware first)

    /EDIT Just to ask, is it the problem where it logs you out right after it logs you in?

    I've fixed that before, but you'll still need the XP CD to go into recovery mode.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,970 ✭✭✭ActorSeeksJob

    Download HijackThis onto a flash key or something. Reboot your PC into Safe Mode and run the program, and post the log here. If you can't get into Safe Mode, then you are in trouble.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,193 ✭✭✭liamo

    If you wanna wipe it clean though, try find the Windows XP CD and go look up how to reinstall windows
    Or, seeing as it's a Dell, you may be able to restore it to factory state by hitting Ctrl-F11 at startup and following the Dell Restore instructions - assuming it has a restore partition.

    Restoring to factory state will have the same effect as wiping your HD and re-installing the OS.



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