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Recording Guitar into Cubase

  • 04-08-2007 12:26am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,152 ✭✭✭

    Hi guys, just a small query. I just started using Cubase SX recently and I was wondering how to record guitar into Cubase through TonePort.

    I just can't hear the guitar when I play it when Cubase is open and supposedly all the correct settings are applied from the tutorial.

    Has anybody recorded successfully into Cubase using TonePort? I'm sure it's something really simple but its bugging me the last few days.

    Any help appreciated,



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 Vaako


    I also need to now how to record in Cubase with the TonePort UX2, has anybody find a way?
    Would it be good to connect the Digital-out from the TonePort to the Pdif Digital-in at the audio card?

    All information is welcome!!!


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,790 ✭✭✭cornbb

    Hi, I'm not familiar with the TonePort but some quick googling tells me its a basic audio interface. Presumably then, it comes with its own drivers.

    Follow these quick steps (I don't have Cubase in front of me so can't guarantee it'll work ;) )
    - Make sure you've installed any drivers that came with the TonePort.
    - Go to Devices -> Device Setup -> VST Multitrack
    - Open the ASIO Driver dropdown to the right of the screen
    - Select the ASIO driver associated with your TonePort (avoid DX/Multimedia drivers!)
    - Now open Devices -> VST Connections, have a poke around here (especially under the Inputs tab) and see if you can see whether your TonePort's inputs are available, and if not whether you can add them.

    Now start a Cubase project and add a couple of audio tracks. Make sure the relevant input is selected from the Ins menu - this is displayed to the left of this screenshot I've stolen from Google Images:

    Now click the Arm buttons in the tracks (the red buttons in the image above), hit Record and you should be good to go.
    I just can't hear the guitar when I play it when Cubase is open and supposedly all the correct settings are applied from the tutorial.
    Can you see anything on the meters? Do you know whether your inputs are set up properly? Can you hear guitar in other applications? Try clicking the Monitor button (the orange one to the right of the Arm buttons) to audition tracks.
    Would it be good to connect the Digital-out from the TonePort to the Pdif Digital-in at the audio card?
    If the converters in your TonePort are better than those in your soundcard, then it probably would be a good idea if done properly.
