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  • 19-06-2007 10:02pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 188 ✭✭

    How the hell do you turn on gps on this fone.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,403 ✭✭✭✭jimmycrackcorm

    What will you do with the GPS? Because if you had the maps then it would ask you if you want to allow it access to the GPS?

    There is an applicaiotn in tools called GPS DATA that allows you do some non-navigation functions.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 219 ✭✭rgunning

    First see if you are getting a lock. Go to the menu -> Tools -> GPS Data.

    It will say "Searching for Satellites" then "Calculating GPS position"

    On the menu, go into "Navigation" and use the left soft key for "Options" - "Satellite Status"

    This will bring up a window titled "Satellite status"

    If is cannot see any satellites, it will say so. Otherwise, you will see bars with numbers to their left. You will need to see three bars before a fix can be made, and more realistically, you'll need 5 or more. The length of the bar is the strength of signal. Make sure you have read the manual about getting the best signal. (my tip is the leave it on a windowsill the first time).

    When 3 of the bars become shaded in black, you are in business and it will lock. Before that, you have no lock. Be aware that this will take a mighty long time the first time (but it does get quicker and quicker the more you use it).

    Before you even go on to use Maps, you should take all these step to ensure everything is hunky dory.
    power2614 wrote:
    How the hell do you turn on gps on this fone.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 188 ✭✭power2614

    Thanks for the reply lads,got it working at last!

    Any idea where i can pick up free/more up to date maps for it,as the nokia website are cpl of years old,well waterford is anyway????
