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Opening port on Eircom Netopia

  • 01-05-2007 2:56pm
    Posts: 7,320 Isaac Immense Cucumber

    I need to open port 7002 to be able to host a game of Jet Set Willy Online. Can anyone tell me how to do this?


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 16,178 ✭✭✭✭event

    is your best bet

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,377 ✭✭✭Shane O' Malley

    Go to
    Then click on custom services
    Define custom service
    click next
    fill in the details (IE the port to be forwarded)
    next etc until finished.
    Then you need to enable the service. Just click on the drop down box
    Find the name that you gave the service
    Then it will ask you the name of the computer to forward to. (If you only have one computer only one will be listed)

    Finally, you have to change the setting on the firewall.
    Click on firewall on the left of the screen
    Click on low and save changes

    All done

  • Posts: 7,320 Isaac Immense Cucumber

    Thanks guys.......however I had to choose "Trigger Ports" instead of the default "Port Forwarding Range of Ports".......
