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New laptop advise needed

  • 27-03-2007 4:04pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 70 ✭✭

    Hi everyone,

    Some advice needed here on purchasing a laptop.

    Budget: €1500 (some flexibility here)
    Requirements: Will be used for both audio recording/editing & graphics/video editing so I'm looking for a compromise on spec & price. Portability & battery life isn't a huge issue as I'll be plugged in most of the time.

    Any advice on the following components would be much appreciated.

    Audio: Will be purchasing a firewire audio interface (something like a motu or m-audio) and need to be able to record 4 tracks of audio simultaneously. I'm thinking it should be okay with 1Gig of RAM but will go for 2 if the budget stretches.

    One thing I was told with audio laptops is to make sure that the firewire connection is made by Texas Instruments. Apparently there's minimal conflict issues with these compared to other firewire ports - anyone have any info? Also, any recommendations on a good audio interface?

    Graphics/Video: This won't be the primary function of this laptop so I don't need the highest spec going. I do need something that can handle Photoshop & AfterEffects well though. More for video editing rather than heavy animation/3D work.

    Make: I've heard Asus & Toshiba are reliable. I've only ever owned a desktop so this is new territory for me...

    OS: I'm thinking I should stick with XP for now. Heard that Vista uses loads of resources, and I'm guessing it's trickier to get hold of software (the borrowed kind...). Any thoughts?

    Where to buy: I've been looking on Dell & Komplett but I thought I'd come here before going any further. Not really up to speed on what's what in terms of motherboards, processors, graphics cards, etc. so hopefully you people can advise (what to look out for, what to avoid, etc).

    Okay, so there's some info. What do people think?

    Thanks in advance! :)
