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Windows Media Player Help

  • 12-03-2007 4:11pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 18

    hey just wonderin if anyone cud help. If I rip a cd using Windows Media Player while hooked up to internet, the album covers appear. Does anyone know where I can access these images - I know they are saved somewhere because if I copy an album folder, the images are also copied but they dont appear inside the folder. Does anyone know where these images are saved to and if i can access them.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,979 ✭✭✭✭dulpit

    Always thought that they were a part of the actual id tag of the individual tracks. I could be wrong but that's what i think anyways...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,311 ✭✭✭xebec

    Try right-clicking and showing hidden files?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,488 ✭✭✭mathew

    They're hidden as system files. To access them (if your using XP):

    1. Open the folder cantaining the songs from said album.

    2. Click on tools (up the top of the window with file, edit etc)

    3. Select Folder Options

    4. Select the View tab

    5. Scroll down the list and unchec the "Hide Protected Opperating System Files(recomended)"

    They should now appear in the folder a jpegs called "folder" and "AlbumArtSmall"

    There will also be a "Desktop.ini" file and a "Thumbs.db" file as a result of showing protected opperating system files. Don't know what the consequence of deleting these is, but I wouldn't recomend it!
    To get rid of them just check the Hide protected opperating system files again.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 18 pmurf

    mathew wrote:
    They're hidden as system files. To access them (if your using XP):

    1. Open the folder cantaining the songs from said album.

    2. Click on tools (up the top of the window with file, edit etc)

    3. Select Folder Options

    4. Select the View tab

    5. Scroll down the list and unchec the "Hide Protected Opperating System Files(recomended)"

    They should now appear in the folder a jpegs called "folder" and "AlbumArtSmall"

    There will also be a "Desktop.ini" file and a "Thumbs.db" file as a result of showing protected opperating system files. Don't know what the consequence of deleting these is, but I wouldn't recomend it!
    To get rid of them just check the Hide protected opperating system files again.

    Cheers, thanks for this!
