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Amazon 10% DVD discount for two weeks.

  • 12-02-2007 9:17pm
    Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 94,252 Mod ✭✭✭✭

    1 - You open a DVD rental account

    2 - Get the 10% discount on DVD purchases during the free trial

    3 - Close account.

    Help > DVD Rental by Post Help > Plans & Fees > How Do I Close My Account?

    How Do I Close My DVD Rental by Post Account?

    Are you sure you want to close your account? If you're not using DVD Rental by Post as much as you'd like, why not change your plan?

    If you've already closed your account, you can re-activate it after your next payment date. Simply sign up again.

    Here's how to close your account:

    1. Click Your Account in the top right-hand corner of any page.
    2. Scroll down to the Subscriptions Management section and click "Manage DVD rental account information". You'll be asked to sign in.
    3. On the next page, under Additional Account Options, click the "Close your DVD rental account" link.
    4. Review the information on the page carefully and, when you're sure you want to close your account, click the "Close account" button.

    Your account will remain active until your next payment date--in the meantime you can continue to enjoy the benefits of your membership.

    After your next payment date (we will not charge you a monthly fee on this date) you have fifteen days in which to return any outstanding DVDs.

    Don't forget you can join DVD Rental by Post again at any time. You can also continue to use your Rental List--even after closing your account.
