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going back to college

  • 29-01-2007 5:28pm
    Registered Users Posts: 3

    Hey I am thinking about returning to college. I was studying science in Galway in 2005 but did not do much study {lots of partying}, this I now regret as I failed my final exams and did not return to do the repeat exams or to repeat the year. I spent the year after travelling Europe with friends but now I am home and stuck on a building site. Sure the money isn’t bad but it is hard work. I am thinking of applying to ul to study environmental science, as I am interested in this subject. Would the fact that this happened in Galway affect my chances in limrick? Also do anyone know if I could apply for the grant or is this no longer an option as I had it in Galway. Cheers


  • Registered Users Posts: 9,366 ✭✭✭ninty9er

    Know nothing about the course. If you failed in Galway then you'll have to CAO it I think, and AFAIK you must pay full fees havin completed at least 1 semester and dropped out. This shouldn't affect your grant status, though increases in family income will

  • Registered Users Posts: 327 ✭✭userod

    What happened in Galway will have no effect on your eligibility for a course in Limerick, or any other college for that matter. Provided you have the sufficient academic requirments for the course you wish to study (i.e. points from the Leaving Cert) you can make a CAO application, without these requirements you can make a direct application to the college. With regards to fees youu can apply for a letter from your college in Galway detailing "extenuating circumstances" as to why you failed the year. With this letter in hand you will have as good a chance of getting the student grant as anyone else.
    When I failed first year after going on a session I told them I got depressed and couldn't face going into college, didn't have to show one medical cert... they bought it. Got back into college only had to pay the registration.
