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Folder details from Explorer to Excel?

  • 06-01-2007 1:28am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 69 ✭✭

    I have a folder containing some 60 or so files. I want to list them out on MS Excel so that I can put notes etc beside them.
    However, I cannot export or copy/paste from windows explorer.
    Do I have to type each one up, or is there some software available that will allow me transfer them?


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,217 ✭✭✭Matthewthebig

    open command prompt. Navigate to the folder. type "dir /B". Copy and paste.

    I think that will do it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 69 ✭✭Big Dee

    Thanks Matthewthebig but it's been years since I used DOS commands - any programs that solve my problem?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,051 ✭✭✭Gaspode

    Big Dee wrote:
    Thanks Matthewthebig but it's been years since I used DOS commands - any programs that solve my problem?

    There's nothing to it really, theres only one command
    Just open the command prompt from the windows start menu (or click Start, Run, then type in cmd and press enter.)

    You get a window with a black background, probably showing something like

    C:\Documents and Settings\Username>

    (username depends on who is logged onto the PC)

    Type the path to your folder with the 60 files in it, and add a copy directory command dir\b >folderlist.txt.
    (Folderlist.txt will be the name of a file created with the list of files in ti. You can open this with excel excel or whatever.)

    So your typed command should look something like this:
    C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Folder with my Important Files>dir\b >folderlist.txt

    Try it and see how you get on. To exit from the dos box just type exit and press enter.

    Saw a link to this ( )
    if you really want a windows program, but I dont know anything about it
