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Poetry: lets share a little

  • 09-12-2006 12:49pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 8

    As this is the creative writing link I just thought we should do some creative writing ourselves. I thought I would share something I wrote with you:

    Scholars End

    Six years have come to this
    Final lesson of the day
    My absent gaze stole my thoughts away

    I saw past the classroom
    And found my education

    A school of children in the Sun
    Consumed by conversation

    I sat there once, amongst friends
    Now I move on and leave my class
    Graduate to something new and unsure...

    Let me know what you think or just put something you wrote yourself up.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2 loopylala

    Quite like this poem, it's very simple and childlike almost written from the perspective of a child/adolescent. It's like a rites of passage from youth to the complications/uncertainty of adulthood.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 372 ✭✭Outcast

    It's a nice piece, I like the a school of children in the sun part.
    I wrote this, it has a fairly similar theme.

    And the grass was never greener than it was that Friday afternoon
    Luminous in its sun soaked vibrancy
    Against it our blouses were a brilliant white, ties slung loosely about our necks
    Soft cushions under our heavy heads, the jumpers were far too warm for summer.
    I felt that grass bristling softly against my face
    As we lay strewn on the ground
    Bodies forming an abstract circle
    The breeze casting tendrils of hair across our faces.
    It was the present, so tangible in the warm air
    Our words and laughter and the barely tenable quavers in our voices
    As we replayed old acts, looked back at years
    Tried to peek behind the curtain at new scenes and characters still awaiting their cues.
    It was the end
    A finish line stretched to eternity
    And the wispy images of time gone by could not finish the race
    It was the beginning
    An entire cast stood in the wings
    Warming up, ready to step onstage
    We had to squint to see them
    For the past was hazy, rose tinted
    And we were blinded by the bright lights of the future
    So with wide eyes we looked at the moment surrounding us, flawless and clear
    Picture perfect life in a bubble.
    Time didn’t stop
    It lazed along, a smooth brown river at middle tide
    Unnoticed our watches ticked away the minutes
    Yet the moment was different, time had changed
    As though, in the midst of all its strands, grays, blacks, whites and navies
    There was a dash of green, of the greenest grass.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 O-in

    I really enjoyed that poem, it did seem to have the same theme as mine but a more intense. What is it called?

    My poetry still hasn't progressed to the stage I wish it to be at (perhaps more enthusiasm then talent). The poem was written from my persective as I sat in my final class of secondary school staring out the window.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 372 ✭✭Outcast

    O-in wrote:
    I really enjoyed that poem, it did seem to have the same theme as mine but a more intense. What is it called?

    My working title was 'The Greenest Grass'. I wrote it when my friends were leaving school, and I was wishing that I was.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4 fishingrod

    One time in my life my colour was green,



    One time in my life my colour was green
    with vim in my veins iswam with the stream
    I went through a change that the chrysalis take,
    went to sleep as a rain drop awoke as a lake.

    Now music spans that yawning space,
    a fragrance leaves its hiding place.
    Vibrations clear the dusty nooks,
    ideas dance, let off their hooks.

    Change undertaken, metamorphosis complete,
    my colour now is much more discreet.
    I;ve managed to untie my mind of the knots,
    now i;m the leopard that changed his spots.

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