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  • 23-11-2006 12:45pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭


    When they first began their relationship with each other, there were some moments so amazing and breathtaking that he never forgot them. Like the first time their lips touched, each lightly and nervously, and immensely happily.
    One week had gone by. They were sitting together in a bar one dark Wednesday night. It wasn’t what she said to him, or the way that she was smiling at him that he remembered the most. It was the way they were sitting, side by side, with their hands holding each other and their forearms pressed together.
    He listened to the feeling of his heart beating in his chest. It was thumping softly but excitedly. The pulse that he felt in his arm was slow and calm like a small stream. For a moment he was confused as to why his heartbeat and his pulse were so different.
    Then he realised that it wasn’t his pulse that he felt. It was hers, sitting next to him, that he could feel. Her eyes were a little sleepy, she had a tired but contented smile on her face. He could feel her peaceful heart beating in his hand.
    She looked at him, smiling a little more, and said:
    “I can feel your pulse in my arm. It’s racing. Why?”
    He told her why.
    “I’m just thinking of you here beside me. It makes me happy.”
    Now she smiled broadly, then lent over and kissed him on the cheek.
    “I’m glad,” she said.
    And he could feel his heart beating harder... and her pulse quickening too.
