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PSP connecting to the internet via wireless BT Zyxel 660

  • 02-11-2006 8:20pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 297 ✭✭

    Thought I'd ask here first in case anyone has any ideas.

    If I power off my PC and Modem, then turn on my Modem I can connect my PSP wirelessly.

    However, once I turn on my PC again I get a "a connection error. has occured the attempt to obtain the ip address timed out" error on the PSP

    Any suggestions appreciated :)



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,500 ✭✭✭wayne040576

    markyboy wrote:
    Thought I'd ask here first in case anyone has any ideas.

    If I power off my PC and Modem, then turn on my Modem I can connect my PSP wirelessly.

    However, once I turn on my PC again I get a "a connection error. has occured the attempt to obtain the ip address timed out" error on the PSP

    Any suggestions appreciated :)


    Go to the advanced settings for the modem through your web browser (address should be and password 1234 unless you changed it) on the pc and go to Network->Lan->Dhcp settings. Make sure that dhcp is set to server an that the pool size is greater than 1. Go to the client list tab and you should see the pc in the list. Turn on the psp and let it attempt to connect. Do a refresh on the web browser to see if the client list has updated. Also when you psp is connected (when pc is off) record the ip address that it recieves from the modem and check if that is clashing when the pc is on i.e . if the pc is receiving the same address. The reason I'm gettng you to check this is because some devices when first set up, get an ip address and always try to get that same one every time after that. So your psp may be trying to get the address that your pc already has. To get around this, the modem has an option to only give that address to you psp. It works by checking the mac address. Just take a not of the mac address in the psp settings then in the modem settings go to Network > LAN > Client List. Your pc will have the address that your psp needs so click on the reserve check box besie the pc listing and make sure that it always gives another address to the pc. For example you may see something like this:
    1 pcname xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
    Change the ip address to , check the reserve box and hit apply. Then try your psp again. The problem may also be a wireless issue but try the above first. Hopefully this helps and isn't too longwinded!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 297 ✭✭markyboy

    Thanks very much!

    It was completely wrecking my head!

    Greatly appreciated.

