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PES5 headwreacker

  • 30-09-2006 2:50pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14

    :eek: ok im at my wits end this is my last attempt to get online ihave a ps2 and got the plug on adopter that goes on the back of ps ihave a netopia 2247NWG i got from eircom . when i play the network access disc and follow as it says all the green lights for ping test an all that are good,the next step is to go to central station[cs] but it says cs can not be contacted .Iv read the instructions on this site from dar83 about manually sellecting a IP address should i use the one i have on my eircom homepage ? please somebody help as i dont want to play masterleague anymore im at season2042


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20,346 ✭✭✭✭KdjaCL

    you need to open a port on your router . easiest way ring eircom and pretend to be dumb they walk you tru it.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,232 ✭✭✭wba88

    Try Doin This:

    go to in your address bar then click on expert mode on the side...

    The configure on the left... advanced... NAT.

    When in there go to Define Custom Service, the click next on the page that pops up (should be on port forwarding not trigger ports or whatever).

    Next for service name just put in PS2 or PES or something. Global Port range is 3658 - 3658. And base host port also 3658. then select UDP, and not TCP, click next.

    You'll then go back to the NAT screen, scroll the service name thing down till you find the one you created, PES or whatever u named it, Click it, dont enable it yet!!

    NB. Turn on your PS2 and connect with a game, anything, even the central station thing, just so you modem no's your connecting!

    Now click enable for the setting you created, when you do this it should say "Select host service" one of them is your PC and the other will be your PS2, click the one that is your PS2, for me, my PC has a name, and the PS2 was just an IP address. So make it your PS2 and Enable it!

    Now that thats done, Restart you modem by using the button on the left of the screen!

    Next throw on your PS2 with PES5 in it, Go to network, but before you whip out your network connection from your memory card press the circle button and put it on port 3658 and not auto! Should work now!!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,232 ✭✭✭wba88

    if no luck then, call eircom

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14 shaneomc

    nice one wba88 il go do that thanks 4 taking the time;)
