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Moving music from iTunes to Creative ZEN V

  • 29-09-2006 8:26pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 412 ✭✭

    Hi, hopefully someone can help with a few problems
    I copied all of my CD's onto PC.
    I used to use Windows Media player.
    My son has an Ipod.
    Installed iTunes 6.
    After a lot of 'to and fro', we imported all music on PC into iTunes. However, there's loads of duplicates. on the hard drive and in Itunes. Some songs appear up to 4 times. Is there any easy way of removing the duplicates.
    iTunes now says it has 10,000+ songs.

    I have just got a Creative ZEN V 1Gb player.
    I can go into iTunes, create a playlist and copy a lot of songs into playlist.
    I then select all songs in the playlist, copy them but ZEN won't let me paste them in, Shows the stop sign Circle with diagonal line.

    If I go into explorer and select a song I can paste it into ZEN but my music is in loads of folders. Is there any easy way I can copy musin from iTunes to ZEN, without duplicating or moving everything from iTunes into ZEN V Media Explorer?


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,176 ✭✭✭Idleater

    Fr Dougal wrote:
    Is there any easy way of removing the duplicates.
    iTunes now says it has 10,000+ songs.

    1) start ITunes
    2) click the music library icon (top left notes icon)
    3) click view -> show duplicates from the top menu bar.

    That lists all the songs that have the same details in your library.

    Right clicking on a song and selecting "show in windows explorer" will do just that so you can see which version you want to delete or if both versions of the same song are ok (eg on an album and on a best of album).

    You can then delete (press the delete button) to delete a file and it will ask if you want to delete the file from the library (just iTunes) or the computer (move to recycle bin).

    Fr Dougal wrote:

    Dunno, but I am not sure if ITunes can be used to update a Creative Zen music player. You might have to use the creative software to do that.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,724 ✭✭✭jaqian

    Just install the Zen software and point it to where you store your music then import to your player. I hope its *.mp3 or *.wma format as it won't play *.aac etc

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,370 ✭✭✭Timans

    I had this problem. I thought my iTunes libary was mp3 but it wasn't. Then I tried to convert them but It just created a duplicate which means my pc ran out of space. It's all a shambles..
